

Dominika Maison

ZPP expert on economic psychology and marketing research. President and owner of Dom Badawczy Maison – a company specialising in market research. A PhD of psychology, professor at Warsaw University, academic of the Faculty of Psychology at Warsaw University.

She cooperates with various international universities including: University of Washington (Seattle, USA), Southwest Texas University (USA), University in Tilburg (Netherlands).

She gives lectures about psychology of advertisement, consumer behaviours and marketing research. She wrote many books and articles concerning marketing research and consumer behaviours, including: Zogniskowane wywiady grupowe, jakościowa metoda badań marketingowych (TN: Focus group interviews, method of quality tests in marketing), Utajone postawy konsumenckie (TN: Hidden consumer attitudes), Propaganda dobrych serc, czyli rzecz o reklamie społecznej (TN: Promotion of good hearts – reflections on social advertisement), Badania marketingowe od teorii do praktyki (TN: Marketing research – from the theory to practise).

In 2003-2008 she was a president of Polskie Towarzystwo Badaczy Rynku i Opinii – PTBRiO (TN: Polish Association of Researchers of Market and Opinion), currently she is a representative of ESOMAR for Poland – the biggest international organisation of opinion and market research (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research).

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