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On 25 September 2024, the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers Brussels Office, in collaboration with the European Enterprise Alliance organized the event titled “The Future of the Single Market for Services in the EU” with Kosma Zlotowski that hosted the event in the parliament, Michał Kobosko, Member of the European Parliament took the floor speaking and a keynote was delivered by Ignacy Niemczycki, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology of Poland.


Signed a Memorandum of Understanding, initiating cooperation on the future of trade between the European Union and Ukrai...

Kyiv, 12 September 2024   Two leading employers’ organizations from Poland and Ukraine signed a historic cooperation agreement during the „Europe-Poland-Ukraine: Cooperate Together” conference in Kyiv on September 12th. The Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FEU) and the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers of Poland (ZPP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding, initiating cooperation on the […]

Commentary on the Cooperation Agreement Between the EESC and EP

Recently, the transformation of collaboration between the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the European Parliament (EP) has reached an unprecedented new level through the signing of the “Cooperation Agreement between the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee”.

Unlocking Growth: Overcoming Barriers to the Single Market for Services in the EU

Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) & European Enterprise Alliance, present our position regarding the limitations on the EU Single Market’s for services. The progress of services liberalization within the EU has lagged. Unlike the well-developed Single Market for goods, the services sector remains underdeveloped, resulting in slower economic growth, lower employment rates, and diminished competitiveness.

Brief on Committee Changes in the New EP Term

The European Parliament has confirmed the list and size of its committees and delegations for the first half of the 10th legislative term. This brief outlines the key changes in committee composition, with a particular focus on the Industry, Research, and Energy (ITRE) and Environment, Public Health, and Food Safety (ENVI) committees, as well as the newly established Public Health (SANT) sub-committee.

First edition of Ukrainian Tech Meeting Conference held in Google Campus Warsaw

On June 18, 2024, the Ukrainian Tech Meeting conference took place at the Google for Startups Campus in Warsaw, a hub dedicated to fostering innovation and supporting startups. This event aimed to showcase the remarkable potential of the Ukrainian tech sector, which, despite the ongoing war since 2022, has not only survived but also thrived amidst the turmoil caused by Russian military aggression.

ZPP’s commentary: The future of Europe according to Macron

Ahead of the upcoming Elections for the European Parliament that will take place in June, French President Emmanuel Macron, presented at the Sorbonne on 25 April his vision for strengthening the European Union under French leadership by strengthening cooperation between member states, particularly in such areas as defence  and monetary and investment policies…
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