


EU-Ukraine Trade at a Crossroads: A Strategic Perspective

EU-Ukraine Trade at a Crossroads: A Strategic Perspective

Date: 25 March 2025
Time: 17:30 – 19:30
Venue: European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Bruxelles, Belgium


About the Event

As the European Union grapples with the extension of Autonomous Trade Measures (ATMs) for Ukraine, a critical debate unfolds at the intersection of economics, politics, and security. Since 2022, these measures have provided Ukraine with an essential economic lifeline, generating an estimated €5 billion in export revenues. However, with their expiration looming in mid-2024, tensions have risen within the EU, particularly in the agricultural sector, fueling political polarization and populist sentiment.

This event will explore the broader strategic stakes at play. Beyond market concerns, the EU must leverage its economic power as a geopolitical tool to maintain stability, counter external threats, and sustain support for Ukraine. Join policymakers, experts, and industry leaders in a discussion on the future of EU-Ukraine trade relations, the impact on European markets, and the necessity of a unified, long-term approach to economic resilience and security.

Contact person:
Seyide Direk – Policy Analyst – European Enterprise Alliance:



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