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Recent years have not been conducive to macroeconomic forecasts. Traditional time-series econometrics works well especially in conditions of relative calmness.  Although a properly constructed model is resistant to shocks (those fade over time), geopolitical chaos makes forecasting based on the past complicated. Under such conditions, machine learning models or neural networks can be used…

Commentary of the ZPP: Activation of seniors as an opportunity to fill supply gaps in the labour market

In Poland, the number of persons receiving a pension is growing. Based on the Statistics Poland data, approximately 5.98 million persons were receiving pension in the period from January to April 2021. After a slight decline in the period from May to August, the number of beneficiaries increased to 5.999 million in September and was growing.  In October 2021, 6.02 million persons were receiving pension, 6.03 million in November and 6.04 million in December of the same year…

Commentary of the ZPP on draft Regulation of the Council of  the European Commission on the development of renewable energy as a key form of achieving energy independence of Europe

                                                                                                              Warsaw, 20 December 2022   Commentary of the ZPP on draft Regulation of the Council of  the European Commission on the development of renewable energy as a key form of achieving energy independence of Europe   The Council of the European Commission is proposing another instrument to speed up investment in RES (Renewable Energy […]

Report Conference – Summary of the Rebuild Together Programme

On 13 December, a conference summarising the project of the ZPP (the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers), “Europe – Poland – Ukraine. Rebuild Together” took place. This was another initiative of the ZPP, following the social campaign “We help Ukraine”, the purpose of which was to create and strengthen the relationship between European, Polish and Ukrainian business communities and to prepare a framework for cooperation in the future reconstruction of the Ukrainian state and economy…
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