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Digital Services Act (DSA) will soon amend the E-Commerce Directive that has been in place for more than 20 years. Work on the new regulation has been ongoing continuously since late 2020. The trilogue – a trilateral negotiation between key EU institutions – is expected to conclude early this month…

The stance of the ZPP on the Act of 7 April 2022, on special arrangements to prevent the promotion of aggression against Ukraine and to protect national security

On 30 March 2022, the draft law on special arrangements to prevent the promotion of aggression against Ukraine and to protect national security was submitted to the Polish Sejm. The law aims to restrict the activities of persons and entities linked to Russia, which on 24 February 2022 attacked Ukraine, as well as Belarus, which supports the Russian Federation in these actions…

The companies that decided to continue their operation in Russia have nothing to do with “the social responsibility of the business” And what does their fair CIT settlement in Poland look like?

The disgusting and unjustified Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to widespread ostracism and consumer boycotts. The broad scope of the sanctions meant that some companies had limited choice as far staying in Russia goes. Companies in the banking, energy or high-tech sectors have had to submit to decisions ordering to halt the trade immediately…

Opinion of the Chief Energy Technology Specialist at The ZPP: achieving energy autonomy requires additional legislative action

On Thursday, 31 March, a signing ceremony took place for an appeal to unlock investment opportunities in onshore wind energy. Known as ’10H law’, it can be considered a key piece of legislation for the Polish energy sector in the context of the country’s current geopolitical situation. As a result of the war in Ukraine, energy independence is becoming a priority both politically and economically…
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