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The forecast of the most important macroeconomic indicators included in the “Assumptions to the state budget for 2022” is definitely more conservative than the values presented in forecasts of other institutions. This allows for a more conservative forecast of budget revenues and expenditures for the next year, while slightly distorting the overall picture of the forecast of the economic situation in Poland…

ZPP Report: Proposals of measures to end the abuse of pre-trial detention in Poland

In many countries, including Poland, the abuse of pre-trial detention is a severe problem. At any given moment, over 3 million people are held in pre-trial detention centres around the world. Disgracefully, in terms of the number of pre-trial detainees, Poland is among the leaders of this ranking. Per 100,000 citizens, there are 195 pre-trial detainees in Poland, while the EU average amounts to approximately 100. At the same time, there are three times as many people detained on a pre-trial basis in Poland than in Sweden, Finland or the Netherlands…

Opinion on demography of the Chief Expert of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers on Political Economy

It has been known for more than a dozen years that Poland is at risk of a demographic tsunami. Pursuant to that, the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers has touched upon this subjects numerous times. The drastic decrease in fertility rate and the (quite obvious) dramatic decrease in the number of births accompanying it began in the final years of the Polish People’s Republic and lasted at least until the beginning of the 21st century…

ZPP Report: Through administrative practices, protectionist regulations on the domestic market, and a smear campaign against Polish companies France makes it difficult for Polish entrepreneurs to operate

The problems faced by Polish entrepreneurs in France are enormous. Polish companies are harassed by excessive controls and fines. At the same time, French law contains provisions that openly violate the freedoms of the single market, while a slanderous media campaign creates a climate in which it is easy to justify additional controls and restrictions…
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