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Marcin Nowacki, President of the European Enterprise Alliance and Vice-President of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, and Tomasz Wróblewski, President of the Warsaw Enterprise Institute, are members of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), an EU advisory body which represents employers’ and employees’ organisations in the EU lawmaking process. We present a summary of their activities in March 2021…
European minimum wage – smothering the EU economy at a key moment in overcoming the crisis
The Directive on adequate minimum wages in the European Union will have detrimental effects on the European labour market and economy. Furthermore, the directive may worsen the situation of the most vulnerable workers, make it more difficult for the EU to recover from the ongoing crisis, and disrupt well-functioning collective bargaining systems. These are the main reasons why the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, together with SME Connect and the European Enterprise Alliance, co-hosted a Round Table on the European Minimum Wage on 23rd April…
Digital Markets Act Round Table by the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers: how to make the DMA a “scalpel” and not a “road roller”?
The Digital Markets Act is a proposal presented by the European Commission for a regulation imposing additional restrictions, obligations, and bans on a group of digital companies referred to in the DMA as “gatekeepers”. Participants of the round table hosted by the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, which took place on Thursday, 8th April 2021, discussed the Polish government’s position regarding the regulation, the challenges related to its possible future application, as well as the doubts related to its practical effects…
Over 30 business organisations and think tanks appeal to the government: yes to a tax wedge reform, no to choking the middle class
As many as 33 organisations signed an appeal to the government regarding the planned amendment of the labour taxation model. The authors of the document emphasised the necessity of a rational debate regarding the tax wedge and drew attention to the threats arising from some of the directions of changes that were postulated. Among the signatories of the appeal, there are five representative employers’ organisations, four think tanks, over a dozen industry organisations and numerous local employers’ organisations. The appeal was initiated by the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers…