What's new

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers took part in consultations organised by the Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology. The consultations concerned proposed changes to legal provisions in force which would improve the regulatory environment for companies…

Social partners call to open up the economy while maintaining sanitary regime

Organisations of employees and employers, members of the Social Dialogue Council, are calling for the remaining sectors of the economy that remain in the state of lockdown to be opened. At the same time, we call for the implementation of sanitary restrictions adequate to the nature of individual industries. Employees and employers alike are willing to follow the sanitary regime worked out in past months…

EESC Activities Report no. 1/21

Marcin Nowacki, President of the European Enterprise Alliance and Vice-President of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, and Tomasz Wróblewski, President of the Warsaw Enterprise Institute, are members of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), an EU advisory body which represents employers’ and employees’ organisations in the EU lawmaking process. We present a summary of their activities in January 2021…

Position of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers on the advertising tax

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers is critical of the proposal to introduce the advertising tax and calls for further works on the project to be abandoned. Our motivation is two-fold and consists of the following key factors: we are against sectoral taxes as well as oppose the introduction of any additional burdens during an epidemic or over the course of economic recovery. Meanwhile, the proposed tax would be another new fiscal obligation for companies, introduced in a relatively short time, in spite of the first economic recession in Poland in thirty years…
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