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On the façade of the Warsaw-based pub “Świetlica Wolności” (The Freedom Lounge), several screens making up the Lockdown Loss Meter were hanged. In total, since March 2020, the Polish economy has already lost over PLN 30 billion as a result of the lockdown…

Statement of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers on the media tax

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers has for years been critical of all sectoral taxes. The proposed media tax is no exception from that rule, and therefore Union strongly opposes its introduction…

Memorandum of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers: Let us abolish the minimum wage in micro-enterprises

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers has repeatedly described the destructive impact on the economy of both the pandemic and the restrictions on business activity. Although the statistics are not extremely bad on the macro scale (despite the fact that the first recession in thirty years is a fact), some industries are feeling the effects of the pandemic particularly severely. As it usually happens in most cases, micro-enterprises are exposed to the highest risk of bankruptcies and layoffs. They do not have the financial reserves necessary to survive such a difficult time…

Debrief: ‘Protectionism within the European Union and how to tackle it’

The single market is one of the greatest achievements of the European Union. Nevertheless, independent studies conducted by the European Commission and the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers show that protectionism is a serious problem affecting the majority of entrepreneurs and hindering the development of the single market. Elimination of existing barriers could attract an additional €17 billion of investment per year and generate another 1.3 million jobs – keys to restoring the competitiveness of the European economy in the aftermath of the pandemic…
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