What's new

On 19th November 2019, during a dedicated press conference, the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers inaugurated the Energy and Environment Forum. The Forum is intended to serve as a platform for business representatives, experts and other stakeholders to work on developing and implementing solutions for the broadly understood energy and environmental policies of the state.

Tender for a documentary series about the beginnings of Polish capitalism

The documentary series will consist of six episodes telling the story of a whole decade of Polish entrepreneurship after the fall of communism. By portraying individual profiles of the participants of those events, we want to show the Polish people’s path to prosperity. We are creating these series with young and foreign viewers in mind who only know the history of the beginnings of Polish capitalism from family stories or media coverage.

WEI and Americans for Tax Reform discuss the digital tax at a round table in the ‘Freedom Lounge’

On 6th November 2019, a round table dedicated to the subject of the digital tax and the possible consequences of this concept entering into force in Poland took place in the ‘Freedom Lounge’. The event was organised by Warsaw Enterprise Institute, a think tank of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, and Americans for Tax Reform, a Washington-based organisation fighting for taxpayers’ rights for over 30 years.

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers warns: abolishing the 30-fold limit is a terrible solution, there are other ways to find budget revenues

During today’s press conference, the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers assessed the idea of abolishing the 30-fold limit on Social Insurance Institution contributions unequivocally negatively. The Union’s experts also gave examples of alternative actions ensuring the fulfilment of the assumption of finding an additional PLN 5 billion in budget revenues.
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