What's new

Entrepreneurs from the HoReCa industry are experiencing problems that according to the government should not exist. Their non-existence was supposed to be guaranteed by the Constitution for Business and its provisions saying that “law is not retroactive”, as well as by the so-called “principle of legal certainty”. The problems concern VAT rates applied before 2016. That year, the Minister of Finance issued a general interpretation, according to which the sale of ready-to-eat dishes should be taxed at the appropriate for restaurant services rate of 8%, not 5% appropriate for delivery of ready meals and meals.

Experts debate the digital tax

On 26th April 2019, at Kafe Zielony Niedźwiedź, a meeting dedicated to the concept of digital tax was organised by the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers. Representatives of the digital industry and the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, as well as Matthias Bauer, an expert of the European Centre for International Political Economy, the author of the report “Digital Companies and Their Fair Share of Taxes: Myths and Misconceptions” participated in the Round Table debate.

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers presents a substantive education system reform proposal to the Social Dialogue Council

In the face of recent discussions and negotiations centred around the teachers’ strike, conducted among others amongst social partners whose representatives sit on the Social Dialogue Council, the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers reminds the public opinion of its publication under the title “School for life. Who will pay for our pensions?”. Since the Union perceives the education system as one of the key elements of the future of the state and the economy, we prepared a comprehensive program of reforms aimed at bringing pupils and parents back to their central role in the system.

Poland urgently needs an Energy Doctrine

The current state of affairs as well as the prospects for development of the Polish energy sector is our biggest problem in the context of the competitiveness of our entire economy. Failure to address issues and lack of strategic thinking dangerously bring us closer to a systemic recession and decline in the standard of living. Poland urgently needs an energy doctrine that takes into account the processes taking place globally, not just politicians’ wishful thinking. This is the conclusion of the latest report by the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers “Assumptions for the Energy Development Strategy in Poland”.
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