ZPP Representation to the UE

Agata Boutanos

Director of the Representation to the EU


Representation of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) to the EU represents interests of the Polish enterprise sector. It deals with general matters concerning all enterprises, it also works within sectors present in ZPP. The ZPP representatives in Brussels are responsible for maintaining relations with the most important EU institutions and stakeholders in economic matters.

One of the key areas of their activity is integration and cooperation with other employers' organisations from Central and Eastern Europe. When working with the most important legislative projects (concerning general and sector matters) they will perform together with other entities.

Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers ZPP Representation to the European Union: Rue d'Arlon 46, 1000, Brussels

Director: Agata Boutanos (a.boutanos@zpp.net.pl)



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EU has historically benefited from robust economic cooperation and integration, but it faces significant hurdles in maintaining its competitive edge on the global stage. Following the global financial crisis 2008, the EU experienced a notable decline in GDP growth, which only rebounded to pre-crisis levels in 2021. This contrasts with the steady growth observed in […]

The European Single Market – one of the EU’s greatest achievements – is stuttering, according to several industry stakeholders. Their concerns include too much fragmentation, excessive bureaucracy, and lack of harmonised rules. Join this Euractiv Virtual Conference to discuss how the Single Market can further develop, better serving all types of European companies. Read more: […]

Even though the EU has historically benefited from robust economic cooperation and integration, it faces significant hurdles in maintaining its competitive edge on the global stage. Following the global financial crisis 2008, the EU experienced a notable decline in GDP growth, which only rebounded to pre-crisis levels in 2021. This contrasts with the steady growth […]

Regulatory Affairs

The proposals, sent to the Council, include updates to the agreement with Ukraine to improve its practical implementation and enforcement while maintaining its objectives and scope. The original agreements were signed in June 2022 and later extended until end of June 2024. They give bilateral transport rights to Ukrainian, Moldovan and EU hauliers for each […]

Apple, Alphabet, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft and ByteDance, the six gatekeepers designated by the Commission in September 2023, have to fully comply with all obligations in the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Read more: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_24_1342

The proposals, sent to the Council, include updates to the agreement with Ukraine to improve its practical implementation and enforcement while maintaining its objectives and scope. The original agreements were signed in June 2022 and later extended until end of June 2024. They give bilateral transport rights to Ukrainian, Moldovan and EU hauliers for each […]

Position papers, presentation, declarations

Position Paper on the Extension of Autonomous Trade Measures for Ukraine

European Enterprise Alliance and the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) present their position on the pivotal role of electricity reforms in the European Union. Position Paper of ZPP and EEA on Electricity Report by IEA

Freelance Movement, Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP), European Enterprise Alliance and Taxpayers Association of Europe to express our views and concerns regarding the proposed mandate on the Platform Work Directive. To read the full paper, please click here.


EU institutions struck a deal on the European Health Data Space (EHDS) in the early hours of Friday (15 March), having finally landed an agreement on the thorny issue of opt-out for secondary use of health data. Read more: https://www.euractiv.com/section/health-consumers/news/digital-health-data-compromise-hailed-as-most-important-health-legislation-in-this-mandate/

The Commission presented on Friday (15 March) its simplification package to reduce the administrative burden of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), loosening some environmental requirements, and allowing more flexibility for member states in implementing the policy. Read more: https://www.euractiv.com/section/agriculture-food/news/commission-unveils-new-package-exempting-small-farms-from-environmental-controls/

EU policies strive to provide citizens and businesses with secure, sustainable, and affordable energy. The European Commission backs various energy transition efforts, concentrating on smart grids, energy storage, and digitalisation. Read more: https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/special_report/advancing-eus-energy-transition-with-innovative-policies-and-projects/

Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers
ZPP Representation to the European Union

Rue d’Arlon 46, 1000, Brussels

Head of the branch office of ZPP in the EU:
Agata Boutanos
Email: a.boutanos@zpp.net.pl
Phone: + 32 476 590 602