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The Union submitted to the Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology a package of 50 proposals of amendments to aid companies

1st March 2021

The Union submitted to the Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology a package of 50 proposals of amendments to aid companies

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers took part in consultations organised by the Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology. The consultations concerned proposed changes to legal provisions in force which would improve the regulatory environment for companies.

Following the analyses with members of our Union, we managed to come up with, formulate, and submit 50 specific proposals of changes to be introduced to enforced regulations that could become part of another “package deregulation” act. The ideas presented in the document concern various areas of law – from tax regulations, through labour law, to regulations pertaining strictly to one given industry.

We hope that the changes we submitted will prove helpful in carrying out one of the key missions of the Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology, which is to create a friendly legal environment for entrepreneurship in Poland.

To access the entirety of submitted proposals click the following link:

01.03.2021 Contribution of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers to consultations with the Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology – 50 proposals of changes to aid companies

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