

A European Union of Equality – Expanding Women Participation in Politics, Business & Trade by SME Europe

From climate change, to digitalization and education, we are at a crossroads – how to modernize while preserving our beloved tradition and including European citizens in this transition? This is our chance to solve current challenges by developing sustainable approaches built upon strong democratic values that further cohesion and make politics more inclusive.

To achieve these goals, however, we need to develop an equal platform for all EU citizens, women and men. We need to harness everybody’s potential and encourage them to rebuild and re-innovate Europe together. The Gender Equality Strategy 2020–2025 truly shows your and the Commission’s commitment to providing the same opportunities to all who share the same aspirations.

More information. 

Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers
ZPP Representation to the European Union

Rue d’Arlon 46, 1000, Brussels

Head of the branch office of ZPP in the EU:
Agata Boutanos
Phone: + 32 476 590 602

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