

Webinar: Digital Services Act: Where Are We and Where Do We Go?

Have you followed the debate on the Digital Services Act?
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IMCO Committee, Former IMCO Rapporteur on the DSA, Co-Chair SME Connect Platform Economy Working Group
HENNA VIRKKUNEN MEP ITRE & AIDA Special Committee, Co-Chair of the SME Circle in the European Parliament,
ITRE Committee Shadow Rapporteur on the DSA; Co-Chair SME Connect Platform Economy Working Group

Any regulatory framework that sets out to oversee the digital ecosystem and its continuous transformation needs to be as future-proof and forward-looking as possible. The upcoming Digital Services Act is the opportunity for the European Union to create horizontal rules that ensure economic growth, consumer protection and innovation. Because of the diverse size and scope of this online landscape, a one-size-fits-all approach would be counterproductive and, instead of levelling the playing field between digital players, risks to overburden smaller actors.

Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers
ZPP Representation to the European Union

Rue d’Arlon 46, 1000, Brussels

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Agata Boutanos
Phone: + 32 476 590 602

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