The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers launches its new tool for entrepreneurs with raising employees’ awareness in mind as to how much the state takes away from their remuneration. The Salary Calculator has been designed to show the difference between earned and received remuneration in an easy and transparent way.
The state takes a lot more money from us than we dare think. Most Poles working on a contract of employment do not realise how much their employment costs. The idea of the Union of Employers and Entrepreneurs is to show real amounts and costs incurred by both employee and their employers.
Using the Union’s Salary Calculator, you gain the following:
- an easy to use salary cost calculator,
- a transparent report for your employees,
- a print- and send-ready document,
- percentage and amount calculations regarding the salary of a specific employee.
Raise your employee’s awareness – make use of the Union’s Salary Calculator!
Fot. Shutterbug75/