EU Digital Single Market: A Catalyst for the Development of Companies in the CEE Region
Date: 14 November 2024, 8:30 – 9:30 am
Venue: Members Saloon, European Parliament, Brussel
During the discussion with experts, we will explore critical questions related to the impacts of the Digital Single Market (DSM) on the growth of companies in the CEE region.
How has the DSM acted as a catalyst for development, driving higher e-commerce growth rates in countries like Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Estonia, compared to their Western European counterparts?
We will examine how this growth momentum can be leveraged to further advance the e-commerce sector in the region, promoting innovation and competitiveness among businesses.
What specific strategies can be implemented to sustain and amplify this growth across the CEE region?
We will also address the significant challenges that remain, such as digital overregulation, insufficient regulatory integration within the CEE countries and the lack of effective public-private collaboration.
What are the main regulatory barriers hindering further integration within the DSM and how can they be overcome?
How can we foster innovation and attract top talent to European companies, ensuring sustained competitiveness in the global market?
We will also discuss the threat of unfair competition and what measures can be put in place to protect the CEE e-commerce market?
Our aim is to identify strategies for overcoming these challenges by continuing to build the Digital Single Market, removing regulatory barriers, designing supportive mechanisms and fostering greater collaboration between the private and public sectors. Through this discussion, we aim to develop best practices that can support the continued growth and global expansion of the e-commerce sector in the CEE region.
Registration: More about event:
Contact persons:
Agata Boutanos, Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers,
Lusyne Kesziszjan, Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers,