What's new

Successive sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation since the beginning of the armed invasion of Ukraine are aimed at numerous key areas of the invader’s socio-economic life. They cover the following sectors: energy, finance, transport, defence, raw materials, and services. Also in place are a media embargo, visa, and diplomatic restrictions, as well as a number of measures regarding economic cooperation. However, there are still huge loopholes in the sanctions system that allow for a lively trade in many instances, such as food and fertilisers…

We need a strategy to restore Poland’s importance on the international arena!

On 4th April at 3 pm, a conference inaugurating the Agenda Poland 2030 project was held in the Freedom Lounge. During the meeting, issues that are essential from the perspective of Poland were discussed, including national security, as well as how to respond to future challenges…

A new health platform – the Health Forum of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers

Healthcare has always been a challenge for experts, representatives of government and local government institutions, medical specialists, representatives of patients’ organisations, but also entrepreneurs and employers themselves. Health is and should be treated as the foundation of all values. But it also is an important branch of the economy. In response to the enormous needs of all stakeholders on the medical market and the challenges it faces, the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers brought to life the Health Forum…

Working Lunch “Offshore Wind International Cooperation in the Baltic Sea”

It is important to accelerate the development of offshore wind across the European Union, while ensuring enhanced manufacturing potential of EU-based components. Overcoming the current supply crunch linked to ambitious climate targets, as well as the skills and permitting hurdles, will be crucial for upcoming wind farm investments – was the conclusion of the Working Lunch titled “Offshore Wind International Cooperation in the Baltic Sea”, that took place on March 27th in Brussels…
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