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On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine. Hostilities spread over almost the entire territory of our eastern neighbour. The extent of the damage after nearly a month of attacks is counted in the tens of billions of dollars. Almost all critical infrastructure was either destroyed or severely damaged…

Position of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) on Poland becoming independent of Russian supplies of primary commodities

Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers welcomes the announcements about the recapitalisation of investment projects in the gas sector. The development of strategic infrastructure, such as the Świnoujście LNG terminal, the FSRU floating regasification unit in the Gdańsk Bay, or the gas interconnectors with Lithuania and Slovakia, is a solid basis providing technical means for the diversification of gas supply…

ZPP appeal to launch the EU fund to help refugees

As a result of Russian aggression, part of the Ukrainian population has to flee outside the country to save itself. The natural first choice for many is Poland. Figures illustrate the scale of migration. According to data from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, more than 3.2 million people have left Ukraine since the beginning of the war…

Call by employers’ organisations: Belarusians should be allowed to quickly legalise their stay and take up employment immediately after crossing the border

In connection with the unprecedented influx of war refugees to Poland, the government has prepared a special law providing for special conditions for Ukrainians to legalise their stay and take up employment. As a result, hundreds of thousands more people crossing the border can immediately seek employment fully legally, thereby gaining financial independence from state aid…
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