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From the beginning of the legislative process, the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers emphasised there were no rational arguments for the need to cover limited partnerships with CIT. The theses contained in the explanatory memorandum to the draft act turned out, one after another, to be false. Neither limited partnerships are used for purposes of tax optimisation (we stress once again that the Ministry of Finance itself admitted that the tax scheme using limited partnerships was only challenged six times basing on the anti-tax avoidance clause), nor has there been an unreasonable or detached from economic reality increase in recent years in their number…

Comparison of European lockdown policies

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers hereby presents a comparison of European lockdown policies. In our latest study, Union experts analysed the measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic put in place by ten European countries. To assess the restrictiveness of the introduced measures, we took into account the following: the possibility of movement and the functioning of schools, shops, services, restaurants, hotels and culture…

Position of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers on the draft amendment to the VAT act implementing the package of e-commerce VAT directives

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers has been drawing public attention to the problem of unequal conditions of competition between e-commerce platforms operating in Poland for a long time. In light of the increasing significance of online trade resulting from general trends and additionally reinforced by the coronavirus pandemic, the gap between the operating conditions of Polish and Chinese platforms is becoming ever more evident. Both the extensive export subsidisation system and unfair practices applied regularly by Asian platforms (underestimating the declared value of shipments, marking shipments as “gifts”, and ultimately marking parcel shipments as letters) enable them to offer goods at very low prices…

Appeal of the Union’s Energy and Environment Forum: We need an effective waste management system, not another tax

A wide representation of entrepreneurs directly involved in the shape of the new model of extended producer responsibility participated in the works of the Energy and Environment Forum of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers…
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