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The deadline for Poland to introduce the provisions of the European Directive implementing Extended Producer Responsibility (ERP) has passed on 5th July, and we have less than three years to amend the current system. The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers hereby presents its proposal regarding the ERP system, taking into account the demands of entrepreneurs and organisations representing waste management companies.

Two representatives of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers among the proposed candidates for the European Economic and Social Committee

The Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy informed that Marcin Nowacki and Tomasz Wróblewski, representatives of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, were nominated to the Secretariat of the EU Council as candidates for members of the European Economic and Social Committee for the 2020-2025 term.

The condition of the Polish mining industry – the opinion of the chief expert of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers on energy

The data on the condition of the Polish mining industry, presented to the members of the Social Dialogue Council’s Economic Policy and Labour Market Team, show the current situation in the hard coal mining sector in Poland does not inspire optimism and indicates the necessity to undertake quick stabilising measures, and most importantly, to develop the Plan for Restructuring the Polish Mining Industry, a reasonable, reliable plan that takes into account the specificity of the Polish mining industry and the Polish energy sector…

Appeal of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers to the government: cover the whole catering industry with a uniform 8% VAT rate

There can be no doubt that food catering industry is one of the sectors hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic. The industry has basically been shut down as a result of the restrictions put in place to fight the virus. Some of the restaurants did not survive this difficult period, for others the fight is only just beginning – they are still on the market, but their turnover is much lower than a few months ago.
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