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Recent years have brought a considerable increase in the number of foreigners in Poland. According to data from the Social Insurance Institution, the number of foreigners registered at the end of July 2023 for social insurance amounted 1.097 million. For reference, it was 651 thousand at the end of 2019, and merely 184 thousand in 2015…

Commentary of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers on the amendment to the EU pharmaceutical law

Limited availability of medicinal products has become noticeable not only on the Polish, but on the entire European market. All EU member states face the challenge of a shortage of raw materials, increased production costs, logistic problems, and competition from Asian markets…

Report by the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers and Symfonia 
on the 2023 SME digitisation level “Digitisation of the SME sector in Poland”

According to a study conducted by Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, 10 months before the obligation to use the National e-Invoice System KSeF enters into force, only 60% of Polish companies see the need for deeper digitisation, while 38% of them use only basic tools in business. The group that declares the lowest level of digitisation are micro-entrepreneurs, almost 40% of whom claim that they do not use any digital tools…

Opinion of the Chief Expert on Energy of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers: EU’s Renewable Energy Directive RED III vs the possibilities of the Polish energy sector

Energy transformation comes down to a systemic reconstruction that involves basing the entire energy sector in Europe on renewables. This is the target that the European Commission is pursuing: a global economic process that will revolutionise European industry. It means a metamorphosis of the lifestyle of the citizens of countries where the efficiency of energy use increases along with the progress of electrification…
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