
Main Experts of ZPP

Włodzimierz Ehrenhalt

Chief Energy Expert

Expert of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers in the field of energy. He is the vice-president of the Renewable Energy Association and a member of the Association of Power Industry Employers “Lewiatan”. He also cooperates with the Parliamentary Mining and Energy Committee.

For almost 12 years, he has been actively involved in investments in energy. Although he is an architect by profession, he is highly familiar with the problems related to the necessity to transform the Polish power industry.

In the report “Assumptions for Development of an Energy Strategy in Poland”, he summed up his experience concerning the problems of the Polish energy transformation.

For many years, his work revolved around investment preparation of Renewable Energy Sources, but he has also been strongly associated with conventional energy and the problems of the Polish mining industry. This allowed him to develop a rational and objective view of the transformation possibilities of the Polish power sector, the Polish economy’s most important branch.

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