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Smart excise policy, regulatory solutions that tighten tobacco cultivation and drought trading regulations, as well as intensified operations by authorities – these are the factors that made it possible to reduce the grey zone of tobacco products by around a half over the last 3 years – according to the fourth Business Paper of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers.

Commentary of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers on the adoption by the Polish Sejm of the Act introducing the thi...

On 23rd October 2018, the Sejm of the Republic of Poland voted on and adopted the government bill amending the act on personal income tax, the act on income tax for legal persons, the act – Tax ordinance and some other acts (document no. 2860) and the government bill on the Solidarity Support Fund for the Disabled (document no. 2848).

Position of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers on rising energy prices

Electricity prices constitute a very important parameter for all participants of a state’s economy. For entrepreneurs, naturally, expenditures on electricity embody a cost that is particularly acute for production enterprises with high energy consumption. For distributors, rising electricity prices mean higher risks (these entities become, in principle, hostages of the situation they found themselves in – they distribute a product whose prices grow in a fashion completely independent from them).

We’re opening the Freedom Lounge

In the former headquarters of the Communist Party, the building in the very center of Warsaw that housed the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party, the Warsaw Enterprise Institute opened the Freedom Lounge. It was created with conservative and free-market youth in mind – a place where youth organizations will be able to organize their events free of charge, use the in-house television studio, develop of their professional careers, as well as for socializing and entertainment purposes. WEI will help them successfully achieve their goals.

Busometr ZPP Index: Entrepreneurs in a good mood – record-high Busometr index

In entrepreneurs’ view, the Polish economy is in a good condition. This is indicated by the latest forecasts of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers discussed in the next edition of the Busometr Index survey, which had a reading of 56.8 points. This result is 12.13 points higher compared to the results from the 1st half of 2018.

The economy and state budget are in good shape

Both the financial situation of the budget and the results achieved by enterprises are getting better, as the latest Business Paper by the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers regarding the financial condition of the Polish economy describes. However, there are threats appearing on the horizon.

Position of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers on the proposed text of the directive on the reduction of the impac...

The draft Directive on disposable plastic products by the European Commission raises strong concerns of the business community. In the long-term, it will affect many Polish entities in a strongly negative way, significantly worsening their situation.
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