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14.12.2017 Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers together with a broad coalition of NGOs and Chambers of Commerce calls for the introduction of facilitations in the policy on employment of foreigners In Poland, one can speak of a huge demographic crisis, which ultimately translates into problems on the labor market, including the shortage of employees in […]

Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers Report: The increase in wages in Poland must be accompanied by tax relief on wages

14.12.2017   Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers Report: The increase in wages in Poland must be accompanied by tax relief on wages Wages in Poland over the past years have been steadily growing. An average employee could easily see that changes in this respect have taken place. For this to happen, it is necessary to […]

How and when should the system of waste management in Poland be financed? – about new waste framework directives

Meeting the European goals concerning implementation of new waste framework directives is a huge legislative undertaking. Creating an honest, clear, hermetic and effective system of waste management requires dialogue between the government, local authorities and business. If we want to achieve the recycling goals and change the existing waste management system…

Three pillars of creating Polish SME paradise

Poland might become a paradise for small and medium enterprises. Our competitiveness advantage should be based on: simple law and effectively operating institutions, large-scaled demography policy, and wise economic poli…

Inauguration of the new Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers from the Energy Sector

On 13 November, in Warsaw, the Trade Union of ZPP gathering members form the energy sector (ZPP SE), which derives from the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) started its activity. The founders of the Union are:

On the eve of the 99th anniversary of the National Independence Day the environment of Union of Entrepreneurs and Employ...

10.11.2017   On the eve of the 99th anniversary of the National Independence Day the environment of Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers together with Warsaw Enterprise Institute presented the Project of the  Constitution of the Republic of Poland   On the eve of the 99th anniversary of the National Independence Day, the environment of the Union […]

East-Central Europe loses its first battle concerning posting of workers

The project of the Report concerning Revision of the Posted Workers Directive has been adopted by the Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Commission of the European Parliament. Provisions ensuring: remunerations for the posted workers equal to the rates existing in the receiving country, rules of the long-term posting…
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