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The draft budget act for the year 2020 is definitely a historical project. For the first time after 1989, the government proposed a balanced budget, i.e. one in which the sum of revenues is equal to the sum of expenses. The lack of a planned budget deficit is an unprecedented phenomenon that should be assessed definitely positively. Thus far, a deficit amounting to tens of billions of zlotys was an almost certain element of every subsequent state budget. It is admirable, therefore, that with such extensive social policy, the government managed to balance revenues and expenses. This is also important because in the last few years, which were a period of excellent economic situation, subsequent budgets were characterised by relatively small, albeit still deficits.

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers evaluates positively – THE ACTIONS OF THE LAW AND JUSTICE GOVERNMENT IN TERMS OF ECONOMY IN THE PREVIOUS TERM

The last four years were a time of unprecedented development for the Polish economy – largely due to the fantastic economic situation in Europe, but one cannot deny the government certain successes of their own. We positively evaluate the actions undertaken by the Law and Justice government in terms of the economy – these are the basic conclusions from the report of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers published today.

Entrepreneurs’ evaluation: raising the minimum wage has the greatest impact on business operations

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers together with Maison & Partners asked Polish entrepreneurs what their evaluation of the government’s individual actions is and how these actions affect their businesses. Entrepreneurs declare that it is the increase in the minimum wage what will among other things impact their businesses the most. At the same time, the government’s actions in this area are among the worst rated. Most importantly, the study was conducted before the ruling party, Law and Justice, made its plans regarding the increase public.

Position of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers on the announcement of the introduction of proportionality in Social Insurance Institution contributions for entrepreneurs

Out of all the postulates that were announced at the party convention of Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) last Saturday, the announcement to make the amount of social security contributions for entrepreneurs depend on their income raised the biggest concern. This would entail a surge in burdens for an enormous number of entrepreneurs in Poland, including relatively well-paid freelancers and other representatives of the still weak middle class.
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