
Opinion of the Chief Energy Technology Specialist at The ZPP: achieving energy autonomy requires additional legislative action

Warsaw, 6 April 2022


Opinion of the Chief Energy Technology Specialist at The ZPP: achieving energy autonomy requires additional legislative action


On Thursday, 31 March, a signing ceremony took place for an appeal to unlock investment opportunities in onshore wind energy. Known as ’10H law’, it can be considered a key piece of legislation for the Polish energy sector in the context of the country’s current geopolitical situation. As a result of the war in Ukraine, energy independence is becoming a priority both politically and economically. This is an aspect that requires us to act in an extremely quick and focused manner.

The only sources that can rapidly replenish our energy balance in the near future – significantly increasing the supply of energy – are onshore wind farms and large-scale solar sources. ZPP has been calling for a special legislative priority to streamline these investments for a long time, presenting the benefits for the entire Polish economy of such projects.

In the face of a rapidly increasing green energy deficit, both of these sources are crucial, especially for companies exporting to European markets. Investments in the developing distributed energy also have an impact on the security level in the country. The war in Ukraine has shown how easy it is to take over large power stations and the consequences this can have on a security level in the country. In contrast, it is more difficult to disrupt a million of small, distributed solar and wind installations.

We believe that every action towards increasing security and achieving energy independence in Poland should be strongly supported, hence our decision to join the appeal for a quick unblocking of investment in onshore wind energy. This is particularly important if we want to save a certain proportion of our coal-fired power generation from political death, and thus obtain the Union’s approval to extend the process of moving away from coal. Only consistent action in this area can ensure our energy autonomy.

The development of distributed energy will be important for the entire Polish economy, provided that it is an integral part of the whole programme of energy transformation in the country. The recently presented assumptions for the revision of the Energy Policy of Poland assume dynamic development of this form of energy, so we hope that the rapid restoration of investment opportunities for onshore wind energy will be one of the most important objectives of the Polish government.

We would like to once again draw attention to the enormous potential offered by the development of large-scale solar sources on post-industrial areas. A large part of these places is in the hands of state-owned companies with investment and connection capacities. The only problem in this case is the exceedingly long time it takes to obtain building permit.

Legislative shortening of the deadlines for issuing these permits on post-industrial and post-mining sites would give us an additional 4 to 5 GW of green power in just 3 to 4 years. Amending the Wind Power Investment Act that would liberalise the 10H rule provide another 5 – 7 GW of capacity, thus making the achievement of 20 – 25 GW of installed green powers in 2027 fully feasible. This, in turn, translates into 40 to 45 terawatt hours of energy per year, which would come from distributed onshore installations.

Based on the above calculations, it can be assumed that in 2027 we would be able to produce 25-30% of our energy solely from land-based, distributed and renewable sources, and this would already constitute a clear step towards Poland’s energy sovereignty. We turn to the decision-makers and urge them to act quickly in proceeding and passing the necessary legislation that will enable us to achieve autonomy in the area of energy supply.


Włodzimierz Ehrenhalt
Chief Energy Technology Specialist at the ZPP


See: 06.04.2022 Opinion of the Chief Energy Technology Specialist at The ZPP: achieving energy autonomy requires additional legislative action

The stance of the ZPP on the Act of 7 April 2022, on special arrangements to prevent the promotion of aggression against Ukraine and to protect national security

Warsaw 12 April 2022 


The stance of the ZPP on the Act of 7 April 2022, on special arrangements to prevent the promotion of aggression against Ukraine and to protect national security


On 30 March 2022, the draft law on special arrangements to prevent the promotion of aggression against Ukraine and to protect national security was submitted to the Polish Sejm. The law aims to restrict the activities of persons and entities linked to Russia, which on 24 February 2022 attacked Ukraine, as well as Belarus, which supports the Russian Federation in these actions. The bill was very quickly adopted by the Sejm by a large majority – 445 in favour, 0 against and 11 abstentions. The bill has been forwarded to the Senate and will most likely be passed and signed by the President in the coming days.

This project focuses on the possibility of ‘freezing’ the assets of individuals and entities linked to Russia and Belarus that support aggression against Ukraine. Entities from these countries will also not be able to participate in tenders organised under the public procurement procedure. In addition, individual persons may be included in the list of foreigners whose residence in the territory of the Republic of Poland is undesirable. These are, therefore, relatively comprehensive measures to eliminate both the physical and economic presence and capital of specific companies and individuals.

The aforementioned sanctions may be imposed on entities and persons who will be included in the list maintained by the appropriate Minister in charge of internal affairs, responsible for making administrative decisions in this regard, based largely on the provisions of the Code of Administrative Proceedings. The proceedings in the matter of an entry may be undertaken by the Minister ex officio or at the request of one of the entities enumerated in the Act (e.g. the heads of the Central Anticorruption Bureau, the Internal Security Agency, the Foreign Intelligence Agency, the Military Intelligence Service, the Military Counterintelligence Service and the National Public Prosecutor). The list will be published in the Bulletin of Public Information on the Ministry’s website. It is therefore important that businesses keep their contractors, both current and future, under review for potential sanctions stipulated in the provisions of the Act.

Pursuant to the Art. 3 sec. 2 persons and entities who directly or indirectly support the Russian aggression against Ukraine or severely violate human rights, repress civil society and democratic opposition, or whose activities pose another serious threat to democracy or the rule of law in the Russian Federation and Belarus may be included in the list. Entities may also be included on the list if they are directly related to previously listed entities, in particular through personal, organisational, economic or financial links.

It is also worth noting that the Minister in charge of internal affairs will be able to limit the scope of justification of the decision on entry and removal from the list for reasons of state security or public order in accordance with Art. 3 sec. 9 of the Act.  This provision is meant to ensure state security, e.g. in the dissemination of classified information.

Another important step provided for in the Act is to prohibit the import and transit of coal from Russia and Belarus through the territory of Poland. The entities trading in coal will have to document its origin and keep the relevant documents for 5 years.

The Act will also prohibit the use, application or promotion of symbols or names supporting the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine (Art. 16 of the Act). The ban will apply, for example, to the ‘Z’ symbol used to mark the military vehicles of the aggressor’s army and, in recent weeks, also used by supporters of the policies of Russian President – Vladimir Putin. Violation of the ban is punishable by imprisonment of up to 2 years.

It is important to note that entities that fail to comply with their obligations under the Act with respect to, for example, freezing funds, funds or resources of persons identified on a list maintained by the Minister, violate the prohibition on the import and transit of coal, take action to circumvent the prohibitions or otherwise violate the prohibitions set out in the Act may be subject to financial liability. The fine for individual violations can be up to PLN 20 million.

In view of the current geopolitical situation, the introduction of the Act on special measures to prevent support for aggression against Ukraine and to protect national security is undoubtedly justified. Russia is not a reliable economic partner for Poland, and the measures provided for in the Act may restrict funding for arming activities of a state which does not respect the sovereignty of its neighbours and which, in the future, could potentially deploy its troops even against our country. It is worth noting that the value of Polish exports to Russia is around 36.6 billion PLN, while the value of imported goods is 77.8 billion PLN. This means that Russia is not, on an economy-wide basis, a key trading partner, although certainly in many industries the proposed measures could be very noticeable. It is therefore crucial to urgently secure other channels of trade. In view of the above arguments, it must be assumed that it is certainly more important to guarantee the security of the state and to cut off trade with Russia than to go through some temporary trade problems.

It should be pointed out, however, that the Act does not provide details on how traders should fulfil their obligations under the agreement in question, how they should behave towards listed entities under ongoing contracts. It is important for Polish companies to have information on the procedure for freezing funds, securing assets and potential liability for loss of value, damage or destruction.  Guidance in this regard seems necessary to avoid the potential risks involved in even unintentional breaches of the Act.


See: 12.04.2022 The stance of the ZPP on the Act of 7 April 2022, on special arrangements to prevent the promotion of aggression against Ukraine and to protect national security

Commentary of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) on the progress of work on the Digital Services Act

Warsaw, 15 April 2022


Commentary of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) on the progress of work
on the Digital Services Act


Digital Services Act (DSA) will soon amend the E-Commerce Directive that has been in place for more than 20 years. Work on the new regulation has been ongoing continuously since late 2020. The trilogue – a trilateral negotiation between key EU institutions – is expected to conclude early this month. However, we are now seeing the emergence of numerous proposals that were not included in the negotiators’ original mandate.

The disproportionality of the crisis response mechanism

Among the most recent proposals is the Crisis Response Mechanism (CRM), which was created to enable institutions to counter Russian disinformation attacks efficiently. We welcome that the EU institutions take decisive steps to fight against Russian propaganda. Nevertheless, we have some doubts as to whether introducing the proposed provisions in DSA at this stage of the negotiations is the best way to tackle this problem.

At the request of the French Presidency, the Commission has proposed introducing provisions that could force large technology companies to quickly adapt their platforms and increase the number of staff moderating content during major crises such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks or war. The new DSA Article 25(a) would empower the Commission to require specific actions only based on a recommendation from a Council of European National Regulators. Paris has suggested that a two-thirds majority of regulators would be needed. Technology companies’ efforts to tackle disinformation or problems related to a specific crisis would be legally limited to three months. At the same time, the Commission would have to keep its decisions transparent.

This proposal has been protested against by 24 citizens’ organisations, who point out in their open letter that the European Commission should not be empowered to declare an EU-wide state of emergency unilaterally. Furthermore, these organisations note that the CRM is far from respecting international human rights standards of legality, legitimacy, necessity and proportionality, and they call for reformulation.

Moreover, the new Article 25a of DSA is intended to empower national digital coordinators to require smaller platforms to comply with risk mitigation obligations that usually fall on very large platforms only. Such a provision appears to place a disproportionate burden on smaller platforms, whose ability to comply with the requirements mentioned above will be limited in practice, especially in the short term.

Ultimately, attempts to combat Russian disinformation may be undermined by other provisions found in DSA. Article 15(2) requires platforms to provide information on the facts and circumstances as well as the means used whenever content-related activities are undertaken. This will provide disinformation actors with full knowledge of how platforms combat disinformation and reduce the visibility of harmful content. As a result, in an effort to increase transparency, DSA will make it easier for bad actors to fool security systems and, consequently, more complex to fight disinformation. In the current situation, the EU institutions should create instruments that allow platforms to fight against disinformation actions carried out by third countries on a massive scale, rather than introducing new solutions to a horizontal regulation such as DSA at such a late stage.

Return of the ban on targeted advertising

In a plenary vote in the European Parliament, MEPs rejected a complete ban on targeted advertising. As a result, they voted to restrict the targeting of minors and targeting using sensitive data. We welcomed the EP decision. We believe it strikes the right balance between user protection and business rights. A total ban would have hit SMEs, depriving them of a cost-efficient way to reach their customers and severely limiting their growth opportunities. Therefore, we watch with concern the amendments tabled by MEPs aimed at achieving a de facto ban on targeted advertising.

Before discussing the EP’s latest proposals, it is first necessary to draw attention to the so-called ‘known minor problem’. Platforms would have to verify minors’ age to be able to restrict the use of targeted advertising. In the absence of general age verification on the Internet, platforms have to process user traffic data to determine age based on activity. Paradoxically, a ban on targeting could, in theory, lead to more tracking of children’s online activities.

To address this issue, the EP proposed an amendment to Article 24(1)(b), which states that ‘compliance with the obligation set out in the first subparagraph shall not entail the processing by online platforms of additional personal data on minors in order to verify the age of the recipient of the service’. Whilst we recognise the need to promote child safety through data minimisation, we believe that a provision worded in this way will be difficult to implement in practice and will reduce targeted advertising across all age groups. We propose that the provision be amended to prohibit excessive, rather than an additional, collection of personal data for age verification purposes.

Moreover, MEPs propose to extend the ban if the platform has doubts about whether the recipient is a minor (Article 24(1)(c)). This also means expanding the prohibition to the user when age verification is not possible. Given the current state of technology, such a provision could lead to a de facto ban on personalised advertising. This provision should be limited to cases where the platform has serious grounds, not just doubts, to believe that the recipient is a minor to avoid negotiators walking out their mandate. A provision worded in this way will simultaneously protect minors.

Extension of know-your-business-customer

As a final point, attention should be drawn to the proposal to extend the know-your-business-customer rule, which obliges Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to collect information that identifies business users in order to verify their identity. KYBC aims to improve online security by halting certain entities from using legitimate services to conduct illegal business anonymously. Assuming that the list of information required to be obtained from ISPs is proportionate and not an unreasonable administrative burden, the proposal should be viewed positively. However, during the January negotiation rounds, it was proposed to extend this principle to all types of ISPs, thus covering market places and social media, instant messaging, or streaming services.

In order to understand the implications of the KYBC extension, it is important to remember that DSA, like the E-Commerce Directive, is based on a prohibition of general internet monitoring. Such an injunction has been rejected from both the E-Commerce Directive and DSA, as it undermines fundamental values such as freedom of expression and could lead to censorship (i.e. excessive blocking or removal) of lawful content. Extending the KYBC to all intermediate service providers means extending it to all content that appears on the Internet. Therefore, it is hard to imagine in practice how the application of such a rule would take place without general monitoring of the Internet while still meeting DSA’s stringent requirements for human factors provision.

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers actively participated in the work on the Act and, from the very beginning, called for solutions that would not overburden digital businesses. At the end of DSA negotiations, we maintain this call and urge policymakers not to place impossible demands on digitally active companies.


See more: 15.04.2022 Commentary of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) on the progress of work on the Digital Services Act

Memorandum of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) on the economic situation in Ukraine and its consequences for Polish companies

Warsaw, 31 March 2022

Memorandum of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) on the economic situation in Ukraine and its consequences for Polish companies


On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine. Hostilities spread over almost the entire territory of our eastern neighbour. The extent of the damage after nearly a month of attacks is counted in the tens of billions of dollars. Almost all critical infrastructure was either destroyed or severely damaged.

The humanitarian disaster in Ukraine brings with it a migrant and economic crisis for the entire region, the economic impact of which will be felt around the world for years to come. Ukraine is one of the largest producers of cereals and vegetable oils. The production crisis will lead to a spike in prices for the food industry on world markets. This has a major impact on Poland’s economy due to the disruption of supply chains and the almost total lack of business opportunities in war zones. Hundreds of Polish companies in Ukraine have been forced to temporarily close or relocate their businesses and offices.

At present, a comprehensive assessment of the foreseeable impact of the situation on Polish business is probably impossible. Polish investors are left to actively monitor changing regulations, assess the safety of conducting business activities and hope that the war ends as soon as possible. 

  1. General information about the Ukrainian economy (state before the Russian invasion). Expected reforms and changes to business regulations.

In the first years after gaining independence in 1991, Ukraine was a heterogeneous country plagued by internal conflicts and corruption. The country’s economy regularly faced economic crises, internal power struggles which were not conducive to development and foreign investors’ confidence. It was not until 2014 that the country shifted and chose a Western course for further development which ended in partial Russian aggression. Recent years, however, have seen slow reforms of the judiciary system, a fight against corruption (increasingly successful and producing tangible results), opening more to Western investments and, finally, land reform. The country’s development decisively accelerated after 2018 and even the COVID-19 pandemic did not manage to diminish Ukraine’s very good prospects in the short and medium term. 

*Data does not include GDP of occupied Donbass and Crimea, **Source UKRSTAT

*Data does not include GDP of occupied Donbass and Crimea, **Source UKRSTAT

Based on the above data, we can conclude that the Ukrainian economy has been growing slowly but steadily, despite the large expenditure on armaments since the beginning of the war with the Russian Federation in 2014. Another interesting issue is the level and origin of foreign direct investments over the last 10 years. Even before 2015, Russian capital from Cyprus, where it was mostly legalised, was at the top of the list of largest investors. Following the annexation of Crimea, the structure of foreign capital in Ukraine changed significantly. It should be mentioned that in recent years Poland has not only become one of Ukraine’s main economic partners, but the level of Polish investment in the country itself is one of the highest in history and it has been showing an upward trend. It should be noted, of course, that the rate of investment has slowed sharply in 2020 – 2021 due to the restrictions on economic activity caused by the coronavirus outbreak.



An example of the changes is the “Dia City” bill, which introduced far-reaching changes and tax reliefs for almost the entire IT sector (the bill came into force on 1 January 2022). “Dia City” aimed to develop the entire IT sector, fight against the grey employment market and introduce low and transparent taxes for foreign investors as well as their employees. The main objectives of the bill are as follows:

a) A company that has passed the verification may choose the method of corporate taxation: 9% of dividend tax, or 18% income tax under the general rules.

b) When profits are distributed by a participant in the Dia City programme to a non-resident founder, the tax benefits provided for in international conventions for the elimination of double taxation shall apply regardless of the corporate tax payment system chosen.

c) Preferential taxation of employees:

based on an employment agreement, personal income tax (hereinafter referred to as “PIT”)
– 5% single social security contribution,

– 22% minimum wage for PIT,
– 1.5% military tax,

if an employee’s total remuneration is higher than EUR 240,000 per year, all income above this limit shall be subject to 18% personal income tax.

d) Dividends paid by IT companies to their founders – natural persons (both residents of Ukraine and non-residents) shall be exempt from taxation in Ukraine provided that the dividends are paid no more often than once every 2 years.

  1. The banking system of Ukraine during the war

 The operation of the banking system and the foreign exchange market in Ukraine during wartime is regulated by a resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine of 24 February 2022:

– all banks operating on the territory of Ukraine shall continue to provide their services and operate in their field branches as part of their business,

– banks shall continue to provide both natural persons and companies with access to safe deposit boxes,

– domestic transfers in Ukrainian currency shall be unlimited,

– cash deliveries to ATMs shall takes place without restrictions,

– The NBU shall refinance banks without restrictions to maintain liquidity for up to one year with the possibility of extension for another year.

The relevant resolution also provides for the introduction of temporary restrictions from 24 February 2022, namely:

– suspension of foreign exchange market operations as of 24 February 2022, with the exception of the sale of foreign currency to the bank’s customers,

– UAH exchange rate freeze as of 24 February 2022,

– Limiting cash withdrawals from a customer’s account to UAH 100,000 per day (except for salaries and social benefits), except for enterprises and institutions ensuring the implementation of mobilisation plans (tasks), the Government and individual authorisations of the National Bank of Ukraine,

– prohibiting the transfer of funds from customer accounts in foreign currencies, except for enterprises and institutions ensuring the implementation of mobilisation plans (tasks), the Government and individual authorisations of the National Bank of Ukraine; on 4 March 2022, Resolution No.: N36 of the National Bank of Ukraine lifts the prohibition on the transfer of funds (except for Russian and Belarusian roubles) to residents’ accounts in banks for export transactions.

– introducing a moratorium on cross-border payments in foreign currencies (with the exception of enterprises and institutions ensuring the implementation of mobilisation plans (tasks) and individual authorisations of the National Bank of Ukraine),

– suspension of spending operations conducted through the banks’ operation on the accounts of residents of the country that invaded Ukraine.

On 8 March, the NBU eased restrictions on the foreign exchange market by introducing Resolution no. 44 of the NBU Board of Directors of 8 March 2022. Martial law requires the NBU to gradually ease and clarify the list of restrictions on the foreign exchange market. For this purpose, from 8 March 2022, the National Bank of Ukraine:

– provided banks with the possibility to open accounts for soldiers and to carry out their identification and verification on the basis of a call-up paper,

– enabled customers in areas at risk of occupation by an aggressor state to withdraw cash
in domestic and foreign currency without quantity restrictions, and to purchase cash in foreign currency and precious metals with physical delivery, subject to the availability of cash or precious metals at bank branches. The decision to carry out such an operation shall be made by the General Manager of the bank. The General Manager may also delegate this right to a Branch Manager of the bank,

– established that the prohibition of transactions in Ukraine using the accounts of residents of Russia or Belarus and legal entities whose ultimate beneficial owners are residents of Russia or Belarus does not apply to social benefits, salaries, utilities, taxes, fees and other mandatory payments,

– extended the possibility for residents and non-residents to make transfers to charitable foundation accounts not only in hryvnia but also in foreign currency. This applies to charitable foundations whose purpose and areas of charitable activity are the promotion of defence capabilities and state mobilisation readiness, support of the Armed Forces, territorial defence of Ukraine, social protection, health care and other pressing martial law issues,

– clarified that settlements of documentary and standby letters of credit / guarantees / counter-guarantees granted (confirmed) from 24 February 2022 are prohibited. The NBU made an exception only for the cases of payments for critical imports, settlements with MFIs and other operations of bank customers, the list of which is set out in points 2-6, paragraph 14 of Resolution no. 18 of the NBU Board of Directors of 24 February 2022.

The NBU also decided that the bank may exchange funds in Russian or Belarusian roubles coming from abroad for the purposes of export and import of goods into another currency on the international foreign exchange market and continue to book them on customers’ accounts.

  1. Settlements with the Ukrainian tax authorities during the war

In Ukraine, a moratorium on penalties related to non-compliance with tax obligations has been introduced for both natural and legal persons, as confirmed by the authorities responsible for assessing emergency situations:

“Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry confirms that the circumstances of martial law from 24 February 2022 until the official end of the war are extraordinary, unavoidable and objective circumstances for business entities and/or natural persons under an agreement, separate tax and/or other obligations, which were performed in accordance with the terms of the agreement, statutory or other regulations, the performance of which became impossible within the prescribed period due to the occurrence of such force majeure (force majeure).”  The occurrence of force majeure is confirmed by the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the basis of Art. 14, 14-1 of the Law “On Ukrainian Chambers of Commerce and Industry” of 2 December 1997 № 671/97-VR, Statute of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The law exempts taxpayers from financial liability for tax offences and violations of other regulations resulting from force majeure (paragraph 112.8.9 of the Tax Code of Ukraine; CC), provided that the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry confirms the occurrence of force majeure. In the case of force majeure, the tax authorities shall not apply penalties if the taxpayer is not able to perform the following actions on time:

  1. pay taxes and charges,
  2. file tax returns,
  3. register tax invoices and calculations of adjustments made to them in the Unified Register of Tax Invoices,
  4. register excise invoices and calculations of adjustments made to them in the Unified Register of Excise Invoices,
  5. submit electronic documents containing data on actual fuel residues and volumes of fuel/ethanol traded, etc., but as soon as the state declares the force majeure to have ceased, the taxpayer must fulfil his/her tax obligations.

At the same time, the Government of Ukraine issued an appeal to all companies operating on the territory of Ukraine to make every effort to conduct (as much as possible) normal operations
in order to minimise losses to the Ukrainian economy and supply.

In addition, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed a law on 17 March 2022 providing for a simplified taxation system for big business, abolishing excise duty on fuel and VAT, exempting private individuals from paying the single social security contribution and more. This was announced by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal – Law No. 7137-d on the website of the Verkhovna Rada. The document provides for a large number of changes affecting various sectors, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. This preferential tax regime shall last until the end of martial law.

Fuel taxes: From now on, excise duties on petrol, heavy distillates and liquefied petroleum gas are EUR 0 per 1000 litres. The rate of value added tax on fuel imports has been reduced from 20% to 7%.

Big business will be able to take advantage of the simplified tax system and pay one tax. The annual revenue limit was raised from UAH 10 million to UAH 10 billion and restrictions on the number of employees were lifted. The tax shall be 2% of turnover regardless of the type of business activity. The tax relief shall not apply to businesses involved in the sale of excise goods, the gambling industry and the extraction and sale of minerals.

  1. The flow of goods and services between Poland and Ukraine. 

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 234 of 9 March 2022 on uninterrupted supply of imported food and feed under martial law. According to the resolution:

 – entities operating in the food market who, as a result of military (combat) activities, are unable to comply with the requirements of Art. 10 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Provision of Food Information to Consumers”, may sell food in the customs territory of Ukraine that is labelled in a language other than Ukrainian. However, larger consignments must contain basic information
on the origin and ingredients in Ukrainian;

– foreign humanitarian aid entering the customs territory of Ukraine is completely exempt from the obligation to include a description of the goods in the Ukrainian language.

Under martial law, the government established new rules for the export of a number of agricultural products.
In particular, the resolution prohibits the export of:

– oats,

– millet,

– buckwheat groats,

– sugar,

– salt,

– wheat,

– live cattle,

– pork and beef meat products.

In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is banning fertiliser exports from Ukraine due to martial law in order to maintain balance in the domestic market of important mineral fertilisers. Thus, a zero quota is introduced for their export. This applies to nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and compound fertilisers:

– mineral or chemical fertilisers, nitrogen (UKT FEA code 3102),

– mineral or chemical fertilisers, phosphorus (UKT FEA code 3103),

– mineral or chemical fertilisers, potassium (UKT FEA code 3104),

– mineral or chemical fertilisers containing two or three nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus
and potassium; other fertilisers; goods of this type in tablets, in packages of a gross weight not exceeding
10 kg (UKT FEA code 3105).

This entails a de facto total ban on all exports of the above-mentioned products.

Exports of the following products were allowed under a specific declaratory licence:

– wheat and a mixture of wheat and rye,

– maize,

– domestic chickens meat,

– eggs of domestic hens,

– sunflower oil,

Obtaining a declaratory export licence means allowing the export of a particular good in a limited quantity. All other goods can be freely exported according to the standard procedure.

From the point of view of Polish importers, the restrictions in force will not have a significant direct impact on fertiliser prices. However, it is important to remember that the sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus will already have a significant impact.

On the other hand, it is obvious that Polish exports to Ukraine are facing a slump; many companies importing Polish goods in eastern and southern Ukraine have been destroyed and some are operating to a limited extent. In the central and western regions of the country, most of the retail chains, distribution, logistics and production companies are operating normally. It should be noted that Poland was Ukraine’s third largest economic partner (after Germany and China).



  1. General situation of Polish business in Ukraine

As of 1 January 2022, there were approximately 1,000 companies with Polish capital operating in Ukraine, and the scale of Polish investments in the Ukrainian economy was one of the highest compared to other countries. The largest Polish investments concern the following sectors:

– insurance

– banking

– manufacturing

– construction

– IT

– clothing

– fuel

– pharmaceuticals

– furniture.

For many Polish companies in Ukraine, current events may mean closing their factories, warehouses and offices. A few weeks ago, most foreign companies (not only Polish ones) decided to evacuate key personnel to Lviv in western Ukraine or their home countries. Some companies offered to relocate their employees and their families to other countries and, after martial law was declared, to relocate to areas of western Ukraine.

Many Polish companies with branches in Ukraine also operate outside the country, which means that foreign projects (for men
aged 18-60) are on hold. Only the men who meet the following criteria can leave the country:

– have 3 children,

– are unfit for military service,

– are professional drivers with special authorisation to engage in road transport,

– are the sole guardians of minors,

Some employees also cannot fulfil their professional duties due to being called up for active military service. For IT companies responsible for key infrastructure, there is an option to withhold conscription for 6 months for key employees. However, they still cannot travel outside Ukraine, even temporarily.

The Kyiv School of Economics hired Gradus Research to conduct a study, which found that because of the war, as many as 85% of companies in Ukraine work part-time or are closed, including:

– 1% of companies have closed and have no plans to restart,
 – 35% of companies have suspended operations waiting for better times.

*Source Gradus Reaserch

Some Ukrainian companies have decided to change their business activity for the duration of the hostilities, e.g. leading confectionery manufacturer Roshen – humanitarian aid; Carlsberg Ukraine breweries – bottled mineral water.

*Source Gradus Reaserch

*Source Gradus Reaserch

*Source Gradus Reaserch

To sum up, the situation for Polish business in Ukraine is difficult and deteriorates with every day of hostilities by the Russian Federation. Even at this stage of the war, it will likely take years to rebuild the infrastructure and the economy. Even with substantial financial assistance from Western countries, a return to the past performance by Polish companies is impossible, at least in the short term.

Ukraine is one of the ten most important foreign markets for Polish business; its proximity and untapped potential since the beginning of the 1990s still provide opportunities for development and stabilisation for many Polish companies. It can already be said that a large proportion of Polish foreign investment in Ukraine has been successful. The companies have strong standing, many customers, and in some cases become local market leaders, employing tens or even hundreds of employees. Unjustified aggression by the Russian Federation can destroy the capital built up over many years. With this in mind, we should consider supporting Polish companies that have built up a reputation for Poland as a reliable business partner over the years.

See: 25.03.2022 Memorandum of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) on the economic situation in Ukraine and its consequences for Polish companies

Business commentary and recommendations on the economic risks associated with the war in Ukraine

Warsaw, 17 March 2022 


Business commentary and recommendations on the economic risks associated with the war in Ukraine


The Russian aggression against Ukraine and its consequences have specific economic effects also felt by Polish businesses. Considering that further developments are difficult to predict and that some difficulties are already present, the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) gathered comments, risk assessments and recommendations related to the current situation from affiliated industry organisations and companies. The material, broken down by sector, is presented below and submitted for the consideration of public administration bodies in the context of potential legislative and organisational measures to be taken.


  1. Transport

Urgent amendment of regulations governing the employment of foreigners

A significant threat to companies is the shortage of lorry drivers. Until now, Ukrainian drivers have constituted a large and growing group of drivers employed by Polish transport operators. We are already receiving indications from our transport operators that:

  • drivers on leave do not return to work in Poland,
  • drivers who have families in the danger zone want to return to their families,
  • drivers called up for military service also return to Ukraine.

This may cause both problems with the availability of transport services and further increases in transport prices (operators are already increasing service prices due to soaring fuel prices and extended service times at petrol stations).

The introduced Act on assistance to Ukrainian citizens has made it possible to employ refugees and legalise their stay. However, problems may arise in international transport. During checks, the driver must often show a passport, which includes a visa and work permit. In the current situation, it should be possible to quickly obtain documents enabling cross-border work so that a driver employed in Poland could easily travel to other EU countries and beyond, for example, to the United Kingdom.

  1. Motor vehicle rental

There is currently a large group of US citizens involved in helping refugees in our country. The military presence of our American ally in connection with the protection of NATO’s eastern borders is also increasing. In many cases, these people want to rent a car for their activities from a car rental company. Unfortunately, they usually do not have an international driving licence required in Poland for US citizens (the US driving licence is invalid). In such cases, rental companies are legally prohibited from renting cars to persons without a valid licence.

Given the above, to make it easier for United States citizens to function in Polish, it is desirable that US driving licences should be recognised in our country as a matter of urgency and treated the same as those issued in the European Union.

  1. Pharmacy
  • Enabling pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to access the labour market

The Act of 12 March 2022 on assistance to citizens of Ukraine in connection with armed conflict on the territory of their country has enabled doctors, dentists and nurses to access the Polish labour market. Given the current labour needs in the pharmaceutical sector, we are requesting that pharmacists and pharmacy technicians be granted a temporary licence to work on the same basis.

  • Allowing mail-order sales of prescription drugs

Currently, pharmacies are only allowed to carry out mail orders and delivery of medicines, but only over-the-counter medicines and only as far as online pharmacies are concerned. The most critical prescribed (Rx) medicines must be picked up by the patient in a pharmacy. The introduction of delivery of Rx medicines and other reimbursable products (e.g. adult nappies, which are difficult to transport for the elderly) is beneficial from the point of view of patients – in particular, those who need them the most (e.g. elderly and/or disabled individuals). Importantly, pharmacy employees could monitor the correct delivery and temperature, which is important for some products.

  • Amendments to the Pharmaceutical Law regarding advertising of pharmacies and pharmacy outlets

The Pharmaceutical Law provisions regarding the prohibition on advertising pharmacies make it very difficult to inform patients about the services provided. Pharmacists are faced with different interpretations of the law and different interpretations by the pharmaceutical inspection authorities. These regulations have been in place for ten years without any amendments and are not adequate in the current situation in the pharmacy market and the country as a whole. New services have been introduced in selected pharmacies, including immunisations and diagnostic tests. Moreover, further services, e.g. drug review, are planned to be implemented. For example, because of the advertising ban, pharmacists are afraid to advertise that people can be vaccinated against COVID-19 in their pharmacy, assuming that the pharmaceutical inspectorate will consider this prohibited advertising. Also, in the face of the war in Ukraine and the influx of refugees crossing Poland’s eastern border, placing information in Ukrainian on a pharmacy window or providing help to the needy may be treated as an “encouragement” to visit the indicated pharmacy. As a result, its owner and manager may face the consequences imposed by the pharmaceutical inspectorate. The most problematic issue is not the law itself but its interpretation. It is necessary to rationalise and standardise the ban on advertising in pharmacies so that entrepreneurs know how to operate in the market and so that their pro-patient initiatives are not blocked. Particularly in a state of emergency, war or natural disaster, it is essential for the patient to be adequately informed about the services available in a given establishment. Currently, the patient is deprived of such information.

  • Speeding up administrative procedures conducted by pharmaceutical inspectorates that prevent pharmacies from opening

More than 200 pharmacies are currently closed to patients due to suspended operations. In many cases, the prolonged suspension is due to an administrative procedure by a pharmaceutical inspectorate. As a result, the establishment cannot provide its services and stocks medicines that cannot be delivered to patients. In cases where the administrative procedure does not concern matters where the pharmacy endangers patients’ safety or health, there should be a specific time frame for a final administrative decision, which allows the opening of the pharmacy to patients. Currently, there are known cases when administrative procedures, e.g. concerning the transfer of a licence to operate a pharmacy, last even a dozen or more months, while according to the Code of Administrative Court Procedure, they should last two months at most. This results in reduced access to medicines, huge costs for businesses and losses for the State Treasury. In case of a possible crisis or armed conflict, as many establishments as possible should be put into operation. The actions of the pharmaceutical inspectorates should not hinder and cause the prolonged closure of pharmacies that can help patients.

  • Developing ICT systems and official applications to confirm product availability in pharmacies

To confirm that a particular medicinal product is available in a given establishment, you need to contact the pharmacy directly – in person or by telephone or using a commercial app. Commercial applications only cover selected establishments that have chosen to make information on their stocks available on a paid basis. In recent years, the Polish pharmacy market has been facing the problem of shortages of goods and frequently selected particularly scarce products are available in only a few pharmacies. Introducing a central system indicating a pharmacy convenient to the patient where all the medicines needed are available would be extremely useful.

  1. Drug manufacturing

In case of a crisis or state of emergency, to ensure continuity in the production of medicines, it is necessary to ensure:

  • the possibility for workers in the domestic pharmaceutical industry to move to work;
  • keeping doctors, pharmacists employed in the domestic pharmaceutical industry in their jobs, fulfilling the obligations of the applicable laws, including but not limited to the pharmaceutical law, so that they are not transferred by the government administration to other tasks;
  • refraining from recruiting pharmaceutical workers in the event of military mobilisation;
  • maximum security of supply chains at the domestic, EU, non-EU and continental levels;
  • in the event of the reintroduction of internal borders within the European Union, the creation of the so-called “medical corridors” for the transport of medicines, active substances and materials necessary for their manufacture;
  • maintaining the mobility of workers within and outside the EU;
  • stopping all legislative work that would worsen the condition of the domestic pharmaceutical industry, including revisions of the Reimbursement Act, and introducing the so-called price corridors if need be;
  • enabling Responsible Persons, Skilled Persons and Competent Persons to work remotely;
  • actively and effectively counteracting speculation on the price of materials necessary for the manufacture of medicines by the institutions set up for this purpose;
  • access for drug manufacturers to the necessary materials for the manufacture of medicines;
  • simplification of procedures and electronic communication in all regulatory and administrative procedures, including the submission of all documents with a certified electronic signature;
  • providing pharmaceutical companies with the opportunity to purchase currency for raw materials for production at the pre-war exchange rate, which will enable the price of medicines to be maintained at its current level;
  • continuity of gas and energy supply to domestic manufacturers.
  1. Waste management

In providing continuous waste collection and management services (particularly hazardous waste) for both residents and institutions, one of the key issues is securing fuel for the motor vehicles of the services involved in this activity. The massive influx of refugees to Poland also requires additional capacity in plants and waste treatment facilities. Due to delays in the processing (due to the pandemic) of the relevant applications submitted by entrepreneurs, there is a very serious risk that the operations of almost 50% of waste treatment plants and facilities in the country will be unreasonably suspended.

  1. Hospitality and catering

Amendment of sanitary regulations to facilitate opening accommodation and catering facilities for refugees (hospitality and catering sector).

  1. Metallurgy

Manufacture of specialised machinery and equipment – metallurgy sector

  • Government-level economic meetings/missions to countries that can support steel supply (Moldova, China, India). Emergency supply agreements are needed.
  • Joint action with the EU on maritime transport to identify priorities for the EU in compliance with WTO rules.
  1. Research and development (R&D)

Laboratory tests (physical and chemical, microbiological tests, analyses and measurements)



Applicable regulations

Accreditation, permits, licences, other applicable regulations

Renewal of accreditation without periodic evaluation

Polish Centre for Accreditation (PCA) is a domestic accreditation body authorised to accredit conformity assessment bodies under applicable law.

No PCA assessment is equivalent to the loss of accreditation for testing/sampling.

Law regulates the areas where accredited methods are required. In case of difficulties related
to the PCA operations, the legal possibility of extending the validity of licences already granted seems appropriate.


Act of
13 April 2016
on conformity assessment and market surveillance systems (consolidated text of Dz.U./Journal of Laws/ 2022, item 5)


Polish Centre for Accreditation Procedures/Policies


Act of
27 April 2001 – Environmental Law
(consolidated text of Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1973).

Reducing the frequency of testing of the working environment and pollutant emissions/imissions

The frequency of testing is regulated by law; if the laboratories’ capacity to carry out tests and measurements concerning the working environment and emissions is reduced, it is reasonable to reduce their frequency temporarily.

Ø Regulation of the Minister of Climate
and Environment of
7 September 2021
on the requirements
for measuring emission levels
(Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1710);


Ø Regulation of the Minister of Climate
and Environment of
11 December 2020
on the evaluation of levels of substances in ambient air (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 2279)


Ø Regulation of the Minister of Health
of 2 February 2011 on tests and measurements of health risk factors in the working environment
(Journal of Laws of 2011, No. 33,
 item 166).

Renewal of other permits held by economic operators (e.g. water permits), licences
(e.g. ones issued by sanitary and epidemiological stations)

In case of difficulties related to public administration operations, the legal possibility of extending the validity of licences already granted seems appropriate.


Continuity of key services

Ensuring access to chemical reagents and consumables for key economic operators

Lack of access to chemical reagents and consumables will result in an inability to provide services to:

Ø process line entities;

Ø local government administration, the population
in the area of testing water for consumption
and food.



Simplification of customs procedures for the purchase of reagents and consumables outside the EU

In the case of the need to supply essential inputs from outside the European Union, it would seem advisable to simplify customs procedures or even reduce customs duties and fees.


Environmental protection

Provision of hazardous waste collection

In case of armed conflict – given the possibility that authorised entities may cease to provide services in this area – takeover of the provision of services relating to the disposal of hazardous waste, including veterinary waste, by municipalities.

Act of
14 December 2012
on Waste
(consolidated text of Journal of Laws of 2021,
item 779)

Energy security

Ensuring access to electricity for key economic operators

In case of armed conflict – giving priority to energy consumers who are key economic actors to maintain production continuity.


Finance and taxation

Simplification and extension of deadlines for the settlement of corporate taxes (CIT, VAT)


Extension of the reporting deadline.

In case of armed conflict, communication problems with the public administration will affect the ability to settle taxes on time.

Act of 15 February 1992 on Corporate Income Tax
(consolidated text of Journal of Laws of 2021,
item 1800).


  1. Sports
  • Keeping activities and procedures to a minimum;
  • Systematic monitoring of the course of actions in Poland and Ukraine (support of services responsible for public security, cooperation of administration bodies, entrepreneurs, groups of companies, etc. support of security divisions);
  • Efficient communication (including crisis communication), defining a list of communication priorities;
  • Designation of alternative venues for major sports activities/meetings/events;
  • Designation of a crisis centre coordinator and responsibilities for individual persons;
  • Creation of a backup of IT resources;
  • Periodic workplace safety procedure refreshers for employees, i.e. information on emergency exits, muster areas, first aid kits, etc.
  1. Glassmaking, glass packaging

Risks associated with reduced gas supply to the glass packaging industry

It is necessary to ensure a continuous (uninterrupted) gas supply to the glass packaging industry. A potential interruption of supply, even a short one, can cause irreparable damage and jeopardise safety. 

  1. Potential effects of a natural gas shut-off on the industry
  1. Due to the very high temperatures (approx. 1500°C), the sudden interruption of the operation of glass-melting furnaces as a result of restrictions on the supply of gas poses an immediate danger to the workers’ life and health and also threatens to destroy industrial facilities used in the manufacture of glass.
  2. There are over 40 large and many smaller glass-melting furnaces in operation in Poland. In the largest ones, there are approx. 400 tonnes of liquid glass.
  3. Shutting off the natural gas supply to a glass-melting furnace means:
    – the solidification of liquid glass in the furnace;
     – the irreversible destruction of the entire furnace – the most important part of a glass factory that typically operates continuously for 15 to 20 years.
  4. Due to the nature of the production process and the design of the furnaces required, it is impossible to empty them of liquid glass within a short period (e.g. several hours).
  5. Draining glass from the furnace takes several days, preceded by many days of preparation and constructing a dedicated system.
  6. Bearing in mind the potential scale of the problem (number of systems, availability of ceramic and refractory materials from which the glass-melting furnaces are built and availability of specialist companies), the time for reconstruction of the systems should be counted in years (making a very optimistic assumption that in such conditions the owners will decide to reinvest in them at all).
  1. Potential economic effects
  1. In case of the destruction of most Polish glassmaking facilities, these consequences would potentially affect not only around 20 glass factories but would also result in the dismissal of several thousand workers and the bankruptcy of the owners of these factories.
  2. The associated damage would include months of halting or significantly reducing the production of the food and beverage industries, which are vital to the functioning of the country and life. The number of domestic customers for glass products ranges from a few dozen to more than a hundred per glass manufacturer.
  3. Import substitution of domestic production of glass products destined for other industries must be considered impossible in practice.
  4. The vast majority of recipients of glass products are not in a position to store glass packaging for the manufacture of their products in large quantities – greater than the stock corresponding to their production of a few days.
  5. Poland is the fifth largest producer of glass in Europe. Production is carried out on a very large scale – in the case of container glass, it amounts to approx. 1.8 million tonnes per year and approx. 8.5 billion pieces of glass packaging. 
  6. Polish glassworks also have a positive impact on the balance of trade. A large proportion of the glass industry’s products is sold on foreign markets.
  7. The glass industry also supplies a number of key sectors for the foreign trade balance (e.g. producers of premium spirits, beer, processed foods).
  8. The number of regular suppliers of raw materials, packaging, spare parts for machinery and equipment and specialised services can reach up to 50 per glassworks. Natural and chemical raw materials of domestic origin predominate among the raw materials. The stoppage of production at glassworks also means production cuts and probably a reduction in employment at these suppliers.
  9. Due to the consumption of around 700,000 tonnes per year of recycled raw material (cullet) – keeping glassworks running is crucial not only for the glass recycling industry but for the entire waste management system.


See: 17 March 2022 Business commentary and recommendations on the economic risks associated with the war in Ukraine

Position of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) on Poland becoming independent of Russian supplies of primary commodities

Warsaw, 28 March 2022 

Position of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) on Poland becoming independent of Russian supplies of primary commodities


Diversification of gas supply is the key to become independent of Russia

Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers welcomes the announcements about the recapitalisation of investment projects in the gas sector. The development of strategic infrastructure, such as the Świnoujście LNG terminal, the FSRU floating regasification unit in the Gdańsk Bay, or the gas interconnectors with Lithuania and Slovakia, is a solid basis providing technical means for the diversification of gas supply. The above initiative opens us up to new directions for partnership, which, in the long term, will certainly contribute to a reduction in gas prices and, above all, to a complete withdrawal from the Russian supply.

Forecasts for future years indicate that market demand for natural gas could increase by as much as 50% over the next 10 years. Peak-day gas demand, on the other hand, can periodically increase by up to over 100% compared to previous demand records reported in 2019-2021. In view of the emerging challenges related to the efficient transmission of such a large volume of gas, it is also important to enhance the domestic transmission system.

Nuclear energy will be an important factor in building energy independence

Growing concerns about the electricity availability, as well as its cost to the end user, raise legitimate questions about nuclear power. We appreciate the position of the Ministry of Climate and Environment on the need to speed up the construction of nuclear reactors. Nuclear energy will be another element in the optimum structure of the energy mix, which will translate into stability of electricity supply for domestic industry and all households.

It should be noted that it is not possible to fully replace coal energy with renewable energy sources. Such a solution would be highly risky from the point of view of the stability of the domestic energy system. For this reason, we call for action to be taken as soon as possible to ensure the effective implementation of investments in nuclear energy.

In our opinion, Poland now has exceptionally favourable political conditions to start building a power plant. In view of the current conflict with Russia, all the EU Member States are looking for ways to become independent of that country’s energy resources. One of the measures most frequently chosen by EU countries is to change their approach to nuclear energy, thereby extending the lifetime of existing nuclear units or expanding the infrastructure with completely new power plants.

Furthermore, the European Commission’s recent decision on taxonomy, which recognises nuclear and gas energy as transition sources on the road to climate neutrality, should encourage us to invest in nuclear energy. The EC’s modified position allows us to obtain preferential financing for nuclear-based energy projects.

Unused potential of RES

New investments in gas and nuclear energy are definitely needed, but they are also highly capital intensive regarding public finances. In our opinion, it is also worth using legal solutions that do not involve any financial burden on the state budget. One action that can be taken immediately by the lawmakers is to amend the so-called anti-windmill law. Liberalising the 10H rule included in this law would contribute to the development of private distributed energy production, requiring little government funding. Energy from onshore wind farms may be the cheapest source of energy, which is important both for individual consumers and for Polish entrepreneurs, for whom energy is an increasing cost of conducting business activities. Such a move would also contribute to the development of Poland’s energy independence – and in a very short period of time, which is why we are calling for this regulation to be changed as soon as possible.

Embargo on Russian oil

Contrary to the fears of some commentators, there are many indications that Poland is able to manage without Russian oil supplies. The oil port capacity would more than make it possible to import oil by sea in quantities that would meet Poland’s demand. Meanwhile, supply sources can be successfully diversified. An example of a valuable initiative in this respect is the partnership between PKN Orlen and Saudi Aramco, under which the Saudi company has undertaken to supply between 200 000 and 400 000 barrels of oil per day. In general, there is plenty of oil in the world but, of course, increasing production cannot happen overnight for logistical and technological reasons. According to available data, Polish oil reserves can secure domestic demand for about three months of standard consumption.

In view of the above, it makes sense to include the embargo on Russian oil in the sanctions imposed on the country. We believe that Poland should take a particularly firm stance on this and urge its European partners to adopt the most far-reaching solutions.


The decision to invade Ukraine should be met with a firm stance by the Western world, primarily by isolating the Russian Federation in all areas of international trade, with particular emphasis on the energy industry.

The Polish Government has accurately defined the areas that require immediate investment to ensure the stability of the domestic energy system, including the country’s energy independence. We would like to draw attention to the additional measures that can be taken without burdening the treasury with further projects. It is also important to respond to these problems with actions that do not further increase the – already very high – producer and consumer inflation.


See: 28 March 2022 Position of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) on Poland becoming independent of Russian supplies of primary commodities

Call by employers’ organisations: Belarusians should be allowed to quickly legalise their stay and take up employment immediately after crossing the border


In connection with the unprecedented influx of war refugees to Poland, the government has prepared a special law providing for special conditions for Ukrainians to legalise their stay and take up employment. As a result, hundreds of thousands more people crossing the border can immediately seek employment fully legally, thereby gaining financial independence from state aid.

A significant number of people coming to Poland from Ukraine are women, while in the last few weeks, some of them have travelled in the opposite direction. Around 100,000 men have returned to their country to defend it against Russian aggression. As a result, due to the structure of employment (predominance of men) resulting from the nature of tasks performed by employees, some sectors of the Polish economy face a serious problem of lack of labour.

Given the above and considering the ongoing war, we have received signals about many Belarusians planning to flee the country for fear of further repression and mass conscription. Thus, we call on the government to introduce an amendment to the special law, allowing swift legalisation of residence and employment also for Belarusians according to the same rules as Ukrainians. In this way, we will succeed in responding to the Polish economy’s needs and striking against Lukashenko’s regime.

See the full call.

ZPP appeal to launch the EU fund to help refugees

Warsaw, 23 March 2022


ZPP appeal to launch the EU fund to help refugees


As a result of Russian aggression, part of the Ukrainian population has to flee outside the country to save itself. The natural first choice for many is Poland. Figures illustrate the scale of migration. According to data from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, more than 3.2 million people have left Ukraine since the beginning of the war.[1] In turn, the Polish Border Guard data indicate that 2.141 million refugees have crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border since 24 February 2022.[2] Taking into account migration data provided by the French (Interior Ministry), German (Federal Police) and British (Home Office) services, it is expected that most refugees will remain on the territory of Poland.

Faced with the influx of refugees, Poles have shown extraordinary hospitality and willingness to help. Many people have not only provided financial aid or organised collections of goods but have also made their own private homes available to refugees. However, even the most remarkable social stir will not be able to meet all the needs that arise.

Children and young people arriving from Ukraine must be able to continue their education, and all refugees must have access to health care. According to the adopted legal provisions, refugees can take up gainful employment as soon as they cross the border – this is the right direction. Still, even on commercial terms, housing availability may prove to be a problem.

All these challenges imply substantial budgetary expenditures. Currently, the financial cost of helping refugees is covered by Poland from its resources. However, considering the pan-European nature of this humanitarian crisis, it is reasonable to assign additional financing on the EU level. Therefore, the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers calls on the European institutions to provide adequate financial support to the countries hosting refugees from Ukraine.

It should be recalled here that the European Union has already allocated significant resources for migration management. The refugee aid instrument transferred to Turkey will amount to EUR 9 billion in 2016 – 2024.[3] [4] The current situation requires redirecting funds from the south of Europe to the countries neighbouring Ukraine following the scale of migration.

President of Poland Andrzej Duda, during his recent visit to Turkey, and his wife Agata Kornhauser-Duda, during her meeting with Joyce Msuya in New York, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, both called the international community to join the aid for Ukrainian refugees in Poland. We welcome the declarations of the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, and Commissioner Dubravka Šuica on further assistance for Poland. Still, assistance measures are needed immediately, and their implementation must follow political declarations. This is why we are calling for the funds necessary to help the refugees from Ukraine to be transferred to Poland without delay.







See more: 23.03.2022 ZPP appeal to launch the EU fund to help refugees

Joint Association letter on DMA

Warsaw, 22 March 2022 


Joint Association letter on DMA


We, undersigned organisations, would like to thank policymakers for the effort and work that has been put into Digital Markets Act negotiations so far. We are appreciative of the proposals aimed at making the DMA workable and avoiding the unintended consequences of the DMA for SMEs. Nevertheless, with the negotiations nearing the end, we believe it is important to fine-tune provisions aimed at targeted advertising to avoid negative impacts for European businesses.

We support all initiatives aimed at improving the position of European businesses and users. That is why we are in favour of proposals to increase the transparency of targeted advertising. At the same time, we recognize the value that targeted advertising brings to SMEs and NGO, which, in contrast to large players, do not have multi-million marketing budgets, as well as the value that targeted advertising brings to users, who can access ad-supported online services for free. This value has been confirmed by various studies, including a survey by Ipsos showing that 69 per cent of surveyed users prefer to see ads over paying for content online, and a further 68 per cent agree that targeted advertising is beneficial for small businesses.

Hence, in our view, the implementation of the obligations by the gatekeepers should not affect the quality, functionality and integrity of the services that small businesses currently benefit from. It is, therefore, crucial to ensure that DMA avoids unnecessary restrictions that would undermine the value of targeted advertising for European businesses.

Unfortunately, the European Parliament’s proposals do not seem to go in that direction. The EP has proposed to introduce an opt-in based on GDPR consent for both the combination and the “cross-use” of personal data for targeted advertising. This goes beyond what was proposed by the European Commission in the original version of Article 5(a), which required users’ consent for the combination of personal data only. The extension to the “cross-use” of such data is disproportionate and will seriously decrease the functionality of targeted advertising, thereby harming the needs of the many entrepreneurs for whom targeted advertising is the most cost-effective way to acquire customers. The introduction of an opt-in for targeted advertising is also a departure from established practice under GDPR. This change has been criticized by data protection experts, including the Centre for Information Policy Leadership, which has “strongly recommended” to align the DMA with the GDPR due to the fear of creating conflicting regulations. Ultimately, an opt-in does not respond to more substantive concerns regarding the transparency of targeted advertising, which are better addressed through other means.

To conclude, while we support the objectives of the DMA, we believe that DMA does not strike the right balance between value creation and the protection of users. Since European SMEs often cannot afford advertising in mass media, an opt-in for targeted advertising will inevitably weaken their position vis-à-vis large companies, making the DMA miss its point.


See the whole letter.

ZPP appeal in support of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union

Warsaw, 2 March 2022

ZPP appeal in support of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union

Ukraine has been barbarously invaded by the Russian Federation. The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) strongly condemns this unjustified aggression and supports Ukraine in maintaining its full sovereignty and self-determination of its statehood.

On the 28th of February 2022, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski signed Ukraine’s application for membership in the European Union. Simultaneously, he asked the Member States leaders for the immediate accession of Ukraine under a special procedure. Ukraine’s representative to the European Union has already forwarded the application to the French Presidency of the European Council representative, Philippe Léglise-Costa. This means that the application has been officially notified, and the procedure has begun.

We believe that Ukraine’s efforts should be strongly supported, and its place in the democratic European family should be recognised. For this reason, we call on the European institutions and the Member States to take immediate action and start the fast track to European Union membership for Ukraine. In our opinion, Ukraine’s candidate status must be announced immediately to begin accession talks. Furthermore, we believe that Ukraine should be given access to EU funds to enable its rebuild and increase cohesion with the other Member States.

Ukraine’s intention of accession to the European Union has already been supported by many Member States leaders, including the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, and the Presidents of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Bulgaria. Ukraine’s accession to the European Union is also supported by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who drew attention to the progressive convergence of the Ukrainian market with the EU single market.

The European Parliament accepted Ukraine’s application for membership in the European Union for consideration. In addition, the Parliament voted on 1 March 2022 a resolution calling on the European institutions to take steps to grant Ukraine the status of candidate country for EU membership under Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union. MEPs condemned the invasion of Ukraine called for stricter sanctions against Russia and an immediate end to military action. In addition, they called on the Commission and the Member States to continue providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine and to extend sanctions to Belarus due to its support in the Russian aggression. ZPP supports the resolution adopted by the European Parliament and expects the rapid action of the EU institutions.

Ukrainian gross domestic product has been progressing in recent years. However, it has not yet restored the level it had before the financial crisis of 2007 – 2009, nor to the level before Russia’s aggression on Donbas territory in 2014.[1] Although Ukraine’s economy has great potential, it cannot fully unleash it due to the geopolitical situation and its economic and energy dependence on Russia. Ukraine has done much in recent years to reform its economy and law. Poland’s economic ties with Ukraine are becoming stronger. This is evidenced by data from the State Tax Service of Ukraine, which reported that Poland became the primary export market for Ukraine in 2019. Poland thus overtook the previous leader, Russia.[2] This shows Ukraine’s gradual process of moving away from trade with Russia towards increasing exchange with the EU market.

Another important reason for recognising Ukraine’s membership in the European Union is its political transformation. Ukraine has undergone a thorough political transformation as a result of the Orange Revolution and the Euromaidan protests. Thanks to these grassroots social movements, the Ukrainian authorities are democratically elected and have the legitimacy of the people to hold power.

Ukraine’s membership in EU structures is a strategic goal for the Union. It will strengthen the EU single market and expand the Union’s values. The EU enriched with Ukrainian membership will become economically stronger and consolidate its position as a democratic bloc in Europe. For Ukraine, this means reducing the possibilities of Russian interference in its politics. The accession of Ukraine will benefit both the European Union and Ukraine. Although there are still many reforms to be carried out by Ukraine, this process is already underway, and accession will help to speed it up.

Considering the above, we, the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, appeal to the EU member states and European institutions to launch a special accession procedure and immediately start the accession negotiations to welcome Ukraine into the European Union.





See more: 02.03.2022 ZPP appeal in support of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union

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