
Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers opens its Branch Office in Brussels



Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers opens its
Branch Office in Brussels


Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) has opened its Branch Office in Brussels. Agata Boutanos has been appointed to hold the position of the Head of the Office. Before she joined ZPP, she had led European campaigns regarding regulations concerning entrepreneurs.

The fundamental and the most important goal of the newly-opened Office in Brussels is to represent the interests of Polish enterprises sector – said Marcin Nowacki, the Vice president of ZPP. – We deal with general matters concerning all enterprises as well as within sectors represented by the Union. We wish to maintain constant relations with the most important European institutions and with the stakeholders of economic matters – he added.

Agata Boutanos, the Head of the ZPP Branch Office in Brussels, believes that the growing competences of the EU and creation of the homogeneous market caused more and more regulations to be prepared on the European level. This has enhanced the activity of representatives of enterprises, organisations and entities supporting communication, and increased the number of their actions.

The representatives of entrepreneurs in the European Union are perceived as an indispensable politic, economic, social and legal link which participate in decision-making process on the European level in the crucial moments. The engagement of the stakeholders is a part of the democratisation of the system and is a desired phenomenon. Simultaneously, it is being disposed to more and more detailed regulations – claims Agata Boutanos, the Head of the ZPP Branch Office in Brussels.

According to the data presented by the Union, there are over 20 thousand of stakeholders and 45 thousand of European administrative clerks who participate in the European dialogue.

The stakeholders are proactive but at the same time they are often not coordinated well and their environment is divided. On the other hand, European clerks are very well organised, they consult between institutions and have operational knowledge – stipulated Boutanos. – We need new platforms of cooperation: regulative ones as well as communicative ones. They could unify common actions of Polish entrepreneurs with cooperation with the government and the business. We see a chance of coordinating these actions and engaging more entities into the dialogue, especially given that over 80% of the regulations are prepared on the EU level – concluded Boutanos.

Within the actions concerning the European Union, ZPP declares:

     • constant presence in the dialogue with the stakeholders of the decision-making process,
     • support of the ZPP members in fulfilling the European agenda,
     • long-lasting positioning and communication,
     • organisation of the dedicated events, debates and trainings.

We wish European institutions, organisations, media, and experts to perceive ZPP as a recognisable, stable, credible and responsive partner. We assume cooperation with other entities when working with the most important legislative projects (general and sector matters) – summed up Cezary Kaźmierczak, the President of ZPP.


Agata Boutanos is a representative of ZPP in the EU. Before she joined ZPP she had created a Public Affairs team operating in Poland and in Europe for Tauron Polska Energia. Later, she became a representative of the company as a Head of International and Government Affairs in Brussels.

Since 2008 Agata has been cooperating with European institutions and with private companies, including: CEC Government Relations where she was a leader of the Energy and Environment Policy, Polish Economic Congress Foundation, and Dow Corning as the European Government Affairs Associate.

She was an active member of AmCham EU, AmCham BE, European Chemical Industry Council, European Photovoltaics Industry Association, EUFORES, Lighting Europe and European Photonics Industry Consortium. Currently, she holds the position of the Head of the branch office of ZPP in the European Union.

The Stance of Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers the European Commission’s proposal for the directive on posted workers

Warsaw, 12nd September 2017




In the article 3, section 3 of the Treaty on European Union, the common internal market has been established. According to the exact content of this provision, its existence should foster European development based on economic growth, stability of prices and high competitiveness. This provision has been somewhat specified in the article 26 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. According to this Treaty, the internal market encompasses the area without internal borders where unrestrained flow of goods, people, services and capital is provided. On the other hand, article 56 of the TFEU directly forbids limiting the freedom of providing services inside the EU by the citizens of the Member States who run their companies in a Member State other than the country of the recipient of the service. In the subsequent articles of the chapter concerning services, we may learn i.a. that: Member States ought to make their best efforts to liberalise services in the scope exceeding the obligations resulting from the relevant directives, as long as their general economic situation allows it. 

Similarly, it was directly stated that in order to ensure the liberalisation of the given service, European Parliament and Council adopt directives. All of the presented provisions constitute frames for the functioning of the internal European market. Each of them emphasises the importance of freedom or flow of: services, competitiveness, or liberalisation of law. The liberty of providing services is such a crucial element of the internal market that there is even a whole directive concerning this issue (2006/123/WE, so called the Services Directive). One of its goals was to simplify the administrative procedures concerning service providers and supporting cooperation among European countries. However, the main resolution of the Directive concerned enabling entrepreneurs to start their activity in other EU countries, on the principle of common market, in a simplified way and under the same conditions as the local entrepreneurs. In the preamble to the Service Directive, there are many arguments proving that the freedom of flow of services is crucial for the European Union and its development. This freedom allows to increase the competitiveness in the market of services, which is vital for supporting economic growth and creating workplaces. It has been pointed out that the barriers in the internal market influence mostly small and medium entrepreneurs who wish to provide services in other countries. Finally, which is crucial for the following discussion, it was also stated that free market obliging the Member States to abolish the limitations in the trans-border services ensures consumers with greater choice and better quality of services provided for better price. Those arguments, among others, were mentioned as the biggest advantages of the free flow of services in the common EU market.

It is worth to remember that the notion of decreasing the number of barriers in the flow of services within EU was enthusiastically welcomed by a great part of the Member States. Not all of them were in favour, however. There is a famous concept created by Philippe de Villiers, former Member of the European Parliament representing France, who claimed that the project of the directive liberating providing services in the common market in such an advanced manner as it was assumed at that time, would enable a Polish plumber, or an Estonian architect to offer their services in France for the remuneration resembling prices in their countries, which, in his opinion, would be an attempt of destroying French economic and social model. Reactions to these words were strong, but eventually the Services Directive, despite the objections of the representatives of part of the Member States, was adopted in a slightly limited version. The cited words are worth remembering, however. They obviously demonstrate the protective approach towards economy of some of the European countries. Such situation excludes the possibility of fully common market. It also shows the incredible attachment to the own “economic and social model” which is often based on the high non-wage costs of work and vexing tax wedges.

The concern of some of the “old Union” countries about the competitiveness of smaller, but more dynamically developing economies, seems understandable. However, it is an important obstacle for the further economic integration and for shaping the common market of the European Union. This issue has again become prevailing, this time in the context of the European Commission’s proposal of revision of the 96/71/WE directive concerning posting workers.

In compliance with the article 2, section 1 of the directive, a posted worker is a worker who, for a limited period, carries out his work in the territory of a Member State other than the State in which he normally works. Article 3 of the directive describes the conditions of employment of a posted worker. According to this description, Member States shall provide posted workers carrying out their work on the territory of those countries with i.a.: maximum work periods, minimum rest periods, or the minimum wage including overtime rates. The content of the directive combined with the judicial practice of CJEU clearly indicate that the concept of the minimum wage can be, in this context, understood only as it is specified in the state law, or the generally applicable systems.

Two the above-mentioned provisions are crucial in the context of discussing the European Commission’s proposal, since the most dangerous elements refer to them.

First of all, the European Commission proposes adding the article 2a to the directive. According to this article, when the anticipated or effective duration of postings exceeds 24 months, the receiving Member State is treated as a country in which the posted worker normally works. In case of replacement of posted workers performing the same task at the same place, cumulative duration shall be take into account. This refers to workers posted for at least six months. This proposition contradicts the whole concept of posting workers. The main characteristic of posting workers is temporality. Certainly, it is difficult to define the exact borders of temporality. It is impossible to adjust it to any rigidly established time frames, since posted workers deal with different industries, and they are delegated to handle various tasks, more or less time consuming. Taking this into account, we believe that establishing such rigid time frames has no plausible grounds and contradicts the whole idea of regulations concerning posting workers. This opinion is concurrent with the CJEU judicial practice – the sentence in the C-215/01 Schnitzer case of the Tribunal clearly stated that in the understanding of the CJEU the services may encompass various types of services of divers character, also services performed for a very long time (i.e. several years). Thus, it is impossible to a priori establish time frames of providing services.

The sense of adding the article 2a in such a shape to the directive can be questioned for another reason. There is the already-adopted implementing directive to the 96/71/WE directive – the directive 2014/67/EU. In its article 4, section 3 the issue of temporality of work in another Member State has been addressed. It includes a list of criteria helping to decide whether a given case is an example of temporary work. In the implementing directive, no rigid time frames regarding posting workers were determined. They have used a more content-ample and abstractive method of formulating several example circumstances which may indicate the temporality of work in another Member State. It is clearly stated that such evaluation has to consider all of the existing elements characterising such work and the situation of a given worker, with special emphasis put on the following aspects: performing the work in other Member State for a limited period; date of the commencement of posted work; posting the worker to a different Member State than the State where, or from where, he normally works; returning to the Member State from where he was posted after finishing his work or delivering services in another Member State, or fact of starting work in his Member State; the character of work.

Taking this into account, since it is impossible to precisely define the time frames of “temporality” of work of a posted worker in other Member State, but also considering the fact that the criteria of evaluation of a given case have been described in the implementation directive in detail,  adding article 2a to the directive about posted workers in the shape proposed by the European Commission seems unacceptable.

Another crucial alteration to the directive, proposed by the European Commission, is changing the article 3 which defines the requirements regarding the conditions of employment of posted workers. The major problematic topic is the issue of remunerations. Till now, in compliance with the article 3, section 1 of the directive, a posted worker is legible to obtain a minimal wage rate, including the overtime rate adequate to the rates existing in the Member State where the work is being carried out. For the needs of the directive, the concept of the minimal wage is defined by the state law of each Member State or by practice existing in this country. The EC proposal assumes that posted workers shall be guaranteed remuneration including the overtime rates, by law or by the collective systems. In the directive, the “remuneration” would be defined as: all of the mandatory elements of the remuneration in accordance with the state statutory, executive and administrative provisions, collective agreements or arbitration awards, which have been recognised as commonly used; or, in case of not considering the system of accepted collective agreements or arbitrary awards as commonly applied, other collective systems or arbitrary awards in the Member State where the posted worker carries out his work.

Therefore, the change it this field is significant. The European Commission’s proposal assumes changing the guarantee of the “minimal wage for work” for the guarantee of “remuneration” encompassing all elements of remuneration in the given Member State. It is an alteration, which – as we believe – cannot be accepted from the perspective of competitiveness in the common European market. The foregoing conditions of posting workers, and the guarantee of a minimal wage were a sufficient social security of the workers. At the same time, the regulation takes into account the fact that Member States differ in regards to the level of socio-economic development, which is actually one of the factors influencing the level of wages. One of the main arguments supporting the European Commission’s proposal is invoking the so called “social dumping”. According to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee, social dumping occurs when cheaper workers from one Member State takes the posts of the inhabitants of another Member State. Whatever approach applied, however, this concerns a system in which less-paid workers or service-providers supersede the native workers from the market in a given Member State.

Suggesting that the foregoing regulations concerning posted workers leads to social dumping is wrong. First of all, we have to be aware of the scale of this phenomenon. Posted workers constitute only 1% of the labour in the whole European Union. Moreover, it is not true that posted workers always come from the poorer countries and carry out their work in the richer ones. Obviously, the greatest number of posted workers come from Poland, but Germany is the second in this regard, and the third place is held by France. More than 1/3 of the posted workers flow comes from wealthy countries to other wealthy countries. According to the research performed by the Bruegel institute, a believe that posted workers from Central-East Europe decrease the rates by performing work for lower wages than determined in the Member State’s provisions is also faulty. Therefore, the arguments used to support the Commission’s proposal are, in many aspects, simply not true. The phenomenon of social dumping, as long as we can accept its existence in a scale worth mentioning, cannot be related to the issue of posting workers, since posted workers carry out their work for higher rates than the minimal wage in a given country, and to the great extend their flow takes place between developed, wealthy countries.

Moreover, the often-invoked statement that diversification of the wage rates of workers from different Member States was an element of an unfair competitiveness is wrong. It is a standard element of building the competitiveness advantage, and each entrepreneur operating in each market has a right of using it. As it results from the former discussion, one of the aims of the common European market is to ensure customers with access to better services in lower prices. This may happen only when maintaining the conditions of free competitiveness between entrepreneurs. On the other hand, a situation when part of entrepreneurs coming from, in this case, easy-to-identify regions of Europe is denied the opportunity of using their competitive advantage against their counterparts from other countries is unacceptable. The proposal of the European Commission strikes not only the significant element of the common market – freedom of providing services, but also a particular group of entrepreneurs, because part of the players from western markets cannot compete with them in regards to prices. An Analogic but reverse situation is present in the trade industry – international trade networks by using the economies of scale also compete with the local stores and networks which often lose this fight. Yet, we never hear anything about initiatives aiming at limitations of using the competitive advantage of those companies (which is good because the essence of the common market are: equal rules and freedom of competitiveness). Even though, or maybe because, the biggest supporters of the revision of the posted workers directive are often the states where the big networks come from. It is obvious then, that we are facing a kind of hypocrisy in the general approach, which demonstrates itself in the protectionism towards own economy and in supporting expansion at the same time – by using each available competitive advantage of their own enterprises in the economies of other Member States. Such an approach cannot become a norm in the European Union, because it is in contradiction to the foundations of the common European market.

As mentioned above, posted workers constitute a minor part of the labour force in the perspective of the whole European Union. Simultaneously, limitations in the liberty of competitiveness caused by imposing additional regulations on posting workers may directly influence specific areas of economy and groups of enterprises. It is Poland which posts the biggest number of workers. Most frequently, they are workers from the areas of: constructions, industry, health education, social works and services. They are the areas which would suffer from introducing the European Commission’s propositions the most. It is also worth noticing that this proposition impacts the whole sector of micro, small and medium enterprises which don’t have their branches in different Member States, and for which the possibility of posting workers to other countries is the only way for competing in the foreign markets. It is often that taking up such competition is the only way for their further growth and development.

Road forwarding sector is another issue. In the European Commission’s proposal, it is directly addressed only in the preamble of the document. They have mentioned its special character, difficult to regulate within the issue of posting workers. In this context, it’s worth to mention that on the European market the position of Polish forwarders is very high. 30 thousand of entrepreneurs have a fleet of more than 180 thousand vehicles. It is vital for Poland to maintain the leading position of our forwarding entrepreneurs on the European market.

To conclude, we evaluate the presented project of revising 96/71/WE directive as potentially leading to significant limitation of freedom of providing services and competitiveness in the common European market. As a result, it strikes not only the foundations of the common market, but also particular groups of entrepreneurs from a specified region of Europe.


Fot. thepismire/ na lic. Creative Commons/

Busometr ZPP: Drastic change of the entrepreneurs’ moods. Polish companies start investing


There has been a drastic change of the entrepreneurs’ moods. All of the components – economic situation, investment, labour market – have gone up sharply. “It is a drastic change of the trend. It may also be an abreaction after the propaganda claiming that under the rules of PiS cows would stop giving milk and stones would cry to the skies” – said Cezary Kaźmierczak, the President of ZPP.

Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers has again advanced entrepreneurs and asked their opinion on the economic situation in Poland. The general index went up by 10 points – value of the index reached 48.1 in the second half-a-year of 2017. To compare, in the first half-a-year of 2017 it was 38.38 points. We can notice a growing tendency of all of the Index’s components. In the current research, the component of Economic Situation reached  47.83 points (33.22 points in the 1st half-a-year). The component of Labour Market increased from 52.52 in the last study to 56.33 points in the current one. Finally the component of Investment reached 41.39 points (38.42 points in the previous research).

Chart. Busometr Index – comparison of the components in the function of time

The least anxious about the economic situation within the next 6 months are the entrepreneurs from the production sector (Index value – 57.6 points). A little bit more concerned are the entrepreneurs from the area of trade and services (accordingly: 45.2 and 45.1 points).

The value of the Index is influenced by i.a. “the economic situation” component. In the current research, it reached 47.8 points. According to 29% of the entrepreneurs, the economic situation in the next 6 months will improve, 33% anticipate deterioration of the situation. The rest (38%) believe no significant change will occur.

No matter the size, region, sector or time on the market, the moods within the “labour market” area are optimistic – the index’s value is 56.3 points (over 3 points more than in the previous research). 29% of the entrepreneurs plan to increase the number of their employees, and 32% want to augment remunerations in their companies. The value of the barometer of labour market in the part “remunerations” is 57,7 points.

The situation in the labour market shows that we do have an employer’s labour already. The pressure on remunerations will grow, and so will the pay rises in a much bigger scale than during the last year. In the investments – if the trend lasts and Polish ant hill will follow, we can anticipate even 5% growth of GDP – says Cezary Kaźmierczak, the President of ZPP.

Significant changes may be observed within the “investment” component – the newest rank is 41.4 points (there is a slight growth of 2.98 points in relation to the last research). 47% of the respondents declare that they will invest during the next 6 months. Such tendency may be observed among the entrepreneurs from the sector of medium and big enterprises (53.3 points), a little less optimistic are the entrepreneurs from the micro and small enterprises (accordingly: 34.8 and 47.6). Readiness for investing is especially visible in the East part of Poland (the Index reaches 59.9 points). In the rest of the country, this components do not exceed the border value of 50 points.

Chart. The  “Investment” component  and regions


Busometr ZPP – An Index of the Economic Moods in SME sector. It shows the level of optimism of SME entrepreneurs, and their planned actions for the coming half-a-year.

Value of the Index is shaped by three components: (1) economic situation, (2) labour market (remunerations and employment) and (3) investment.

Value of each component ranges from 0 to 100 points.

Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers together with a Research House Maison conduct the research among a representative, in terms of number of employees (up to 250), sample of small and medium enterprises in Poland. Busometr ZPP is issued every half-a-year.

Small and medium enterprises in Poland constitute 99.8% of all of the companies in the country, they generate ¾ of the work places and 67% of GDP.


28.06.2017 Busometr ZPP. Prognoza na II półrocze 2017


ZPP Report: Polish tax system jeopardises the functioning and development of honest companies


New, simple and clear act on the Goods and Services Tax, mandatory procedures of verifying the reliability of trading partners, rewarding tax clerks for robustness, rewarding tax payers for reliability, and obligation of issuing decision within 3 months from the moment of withholding VAT refund are some of the propositions of healing Polish tax system presented by Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers during the sitting of the Parliamentary Team for Supporting Entrepreneurs and Economic Patriotism in Polish Sejm.

We cannot let honest entrepreneurs to take responsibility for the swindles of criminals any longer. Therefore a series of changes ought to be introduced into the tax system rapidly. ZPP experts deployed these arguments during the presentation of the “VAT as a key problem of Polish Tax System” Report. In the paper, presented on Wednesday, 21st June 2017, authors put forward existing obstacles which render normal functioning of many of Polish companies impossible. According to ZPP, overcoming problems connected with the tax system would be beneficial for all of the market participants – it would result in possibility of employing more workers, in producing products of better quality and, as a consequence of limiting the bureaucracy, in providing cheaper products and services. 

Polish Tax System is very far from perfect, there is a common agreement to this fact. There are two critical areas in this system. The first one is the model of the revenue administration functioning, with special emphasis on its internal motivation system. The other one is applying problematic practices based on the existing provisions of law. They consist mainly of: withholding the VAT refunds, and shifting responsibility for tax frauds onto honest entrepreneurs – said attorney Jacek Cieplak, the Head of the Department of Legislation of ZPP.

According to the ZPP experts, the existing system of evaluating effectiveness of the tax control clerks, which rewards the amount of their adjudications is highly inefficient. In 2014, they descried improprieties which lowered the tax inflow by 10 602,3 million zloty. However, the corrected tax declarations increased the inflow only by around 410 million zloty. Therefore ZPP proposes rewarding tax payers for keeping to the time limits of submitting the declarations and for accuracy of their tax settlements. Moreover, in order to enhance the effectiveness of the revenue clerks, the last ones should be granted bonuses for increasing additional assets from the corrected declarations resulting from the improprieties pointed out during their proceedings. The bonuses should be granted solely after the decision in question comes into force.

Four specific cases of another problem of Polish tax system – common and long-lasting withholding of the VAT refunds by the revenue bodies – have been tackled within the Report. ZPP postulates introduction of obligation of issuing decision within 3 months from the moment of withholding the refund. The decision could be appealed to court, again with a 3-month term to solve the case. In case of failure of seeing to this obligation – of issuing a decision/presenting a judgement within the time limits – the decision/judgement shall be assumed as of the VAT refund. 

The revenue bodies do not cope with prosecuting criminals, therefore they shift the responsibility onto honest entrepreneurs. The mechanism of this shifting of responsibility is based on the common responsibility for the tax obligations. As a consequence, we are facing a situation where entrepreneurs operate in constant uncertainty because potentially criminals may start a VAT carousel in each branch of the market and get legally operating companies involved as buffers – said Maciej Letkiweicz, ZPP expert in the tax law. – Another problem is using by the revenue bodies collaterals of securing the entrepreneurs’ assets, mainly their bank accounts, which often causes their insolvency – he added. 

During the sitting, ZPP experts stipulated that the key solution which would limit the responsibility of honest entrepreneurs for the tax frauds of other entities would be establishing appropriate procedures. Provided that the tax payers fulfil all of those procedures, they could have legal certitude that they enter a transaction with an honest trading partner. Establishing an institution of a guardian of the secured assets would be the answer to the next problem. This institution should function in a way that the decision about securing assets would include a name of a guardian who would supervise the expenses from the blocked account, so the entrepreneur could still run his business activity.

We should use existing examples from abroad – Polish revenue system should be specialised and tax payers friendly, such as the Canadian one. It should also be equipped with modern analytic tools to better choose entities for inspections – like in Great Britain – recommends Maciej Letkiewicz from ZPP.

Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers also propounds starting works over new goods and services tax act. According to ZPP the existing regulations are so complicated that they have become, from an ordinary tax payer perspective i.e. the main target of this act, almost impossible. 

Raport ZPP VAT – kluczowy problem polskiego systemu podatkowego_pdf

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