What's new

An investor for the first large-capacity nuclear power plant in Poland is to be selected in the coming weeks. Projects involving the creation of smaller modular units are also being developed. The social perception of the nuclear power plant, in Poland and abroad, is improving…


Position of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) on the protection of Polish industry against the increases in...

The prices of electricity, gas, coal, CO2 allowances and biomass in Europe have reached record levels. The coronavirus pandemic, disrupted supply chains and, eventually, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and embargo on Russian raw materials have contributed to the development of a gas and energy crisis. It is fuelling inflation, resulting in rising prices of products and services…

ZPP co-signed industry joint letter on the upcoming revision of the EU liability framework

Our associations represent a broad coalition of startups, SMEs, and technology companies. We are writing to you in the context of the revision of the existing Directive on the liability for defective products (PLD) and the proposal for a directive to adapt liability rules to Artificial Intelligence (AI Liability Directive)…

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) has launched the Belarus Business Center

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) has launched the Belarus Business Center project today. The purpose of the project is to provide comprehensive organizational, legal, and consulting assistance for Belarusian companies that want to relocate to Poland…

ZPP’s commentary on desirable joint actions of European countries related to the energy threat

The war in Ukraine has formed an entirely new geopolitical situation, and therefore the primary task of all European decision-makers is to ensure sustainable energy independence for the countries of the Old Continent, based on the assumption of a temporary inability to import energy resources…

Opinion of the Chief Energy Expert of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP): The prospects for the development ...

In spite of the holiday period, legislative work on investment issues in the area of renewable energy sources remains intensive. This is, of course, understandable, as our energy industry finds itself in an extremely difficult position, due to both the geopolitical situation, which is new for our country, and the legislative backlog in the field of energy from previous years…

ZPP’s commentary on the conclusions reached at the Lugano conference

On 4-5 July 2022, an international conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine was held in Lugano, Switzerland. More than 40 countries and international organisations such as the European Investment Bank and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) participated…
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