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Commentary of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) on the proposal for establishing minimum gas storage obliga...
EU leaders met at an informal meeting of heads of state and government in Versailles on 10 – 11 March 2022. The main reason was the response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The leaders adopted the Versailles Declaration which sets out a joint EU action plan for bolstering defence capabilities, reducing energy dependencies; building a more robust economic base and supporting investments…
ZPP’s contribution to the Commission’s consultation on the VAT in a digital age
The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) is pleased to participate in the public consultation on the “VAT in the Digital Age” proposal announced by the European Commission. Beyond responses provided in the survey, we would like to comment particularly on Single EU VAT Registration and Import One Stop Shop (IOSS) development workstreams…
ZPP survey: 95% of “platform workers” are satisfied with the cooperation with the platforms. Most of them ar...
The survey was conducted in early 2022. The quantitative part was carried out using the CATI method, while the qualitative part in turn was developed on the basis of individual in-depth interviews. The survey included “platform workers” representing the following sectors…
CDA joint letter on EDPB guidance legal consistency with DSA
As a Coalition of Digital Ads (CDA) of SMEs we appreciate the European Data Protection Board’s efforts to bring greater clarity and awareness of how social media platform interfaces are designed. We believe that manipulative practices which do not respect GDPR and which hinder the ability of users to effectively protect personal data and make conscious choices should be minimised…
Position of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers on the Consumer Credit Directive review
The European Commission has proposed a new Directive regulating consumer credit in June 2021.[1] The proposal is intended to replace the existing Consumer Credit Directive of 2008.[2] The draft rationale states that the current legal Act has not fully met its objectives, and therefore a revision is necessary…
Joint Letter on Digital Services Act
We are writing to you on behalf of some of the most innovative tech startups and scaleups who are leading the charge to make Europe one of the leading digital economies in the world. We have been following the negotiations on the Digital Services Act (DSA) closely and are pleased to see the progress that has been made so far on legislation that will define Europe’s digital economy for decades to come…
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