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The government must immediately expand the Anti-Crisis Shield with a consistent return to work programme. Without this, Poland will not only waste the money allocated for financial support, but also the achievements of a whole generation of Poles.

Appeal by the Union to the Polish Government

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers calls for a serious consideration of the threats the Poland is presently facing. This extraordinary situation requires the Government and Parliament to re-examine the solutions proposed in the project known as “The Anti-Crisis Shield”.

European Enterprise Alliance welcomes a new member from Belarus

During the first General Assembly of 2020 of the European Enterprise Alliance, the membership of a new organisation, the Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship of Belarus, was approved.

Economy in the times of the plague

Warsaw, 12th March 2020 Economy in the times of the plague The coronavirus pandemic will probably be the most important challenge for the world economy this year. Already at the turn of December 2019 and January 2020, when information about the outbreak of the epidemic in China began to reach the public opinion in the […]

Appeal of 15 employers’ organisations to Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of Poland

Entrepreneurs are not giving in to panic, but they do observe with a high degree of anxiety how the situation related to the spread of the new coronavirus causing COVID-19 is developing. We fully understand the need to introduce certain exceptional solutions aimed at fighting the virus. Therefore, we would like to express our general support for the special act under works by the government.

European Enterprise Alliance welcomes a new member from Ukraine

Warsaw, 10th March 2020 European Enterprise Alliance welcomes a new member from Ukraine During the first General Assembly of 2020 of the European Enterprise Alliance, the membership of a new organisation, the European Business Association of Ukraine, was approved. “We are delighted to welcome our new member in the world of business and politics and […]

The cosmetics and detergent industry joins the Union

Another trade organisation has joined the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers: the Polish Association of Cosmetic and Detergent Industry. The Association was established in 1992 and brings together manufacturers, distributors, suppliers of raw materials, and other companies operating in the cosmetics and detergent industry.
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