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n November 8, 2023, Thursday, the European Commission, under the leadership of President Ursula von der Leyen, embarked on significant strides towards the enlargement of the European Union, elucidating the present stance of candidate countries[1]. Notably, Ukraine and Moldova play pivotal roles in the ongoing operations of the European Enterprise Alliance within these nations…

Position Paper on the Importance of the Net-Zero Industry Act for the European Union (EU)

European Enterprise Alliance and Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) present our position on the crucial role of the Net-Zero Industry Act in advancing sustainable decarbonization in the European Union. Committed to fostering a resilient and environmentally responsible energy future, we, European Enterprise Alliance, collectively support the imperative role of the Net-Zero Industry Act in achieving the European Union’s ambitious emission reduction goals and fostering economic stability…

The transportation crisis at the Ukrainian-Polish border is causing losses for for many entrepreneurs. Polish and Ukrainian employers are creating a dialogue platform to reach a compromise

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) and the Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FRU) addressed this initiative to the Governments of the two countries and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

Digital Single Market barriers continue limiting the SME’s potential for growth – conclusions from the debate of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers

The advancement of digitisation has significantly benefited the European economy. Despite this, the Digital Single Market has yet to transition from an aspiration to a tangible reality. Over the forthcoming years, both European institutions and Member States must enhance their efforts to remove all regulatory barriers and establish a favourable digital environment for the growth of European SMEs – was the conclusion of the Working Lunch titled “Digital Single Market Future & Opportunities for SMEs”, that took place on December 5th in Brussels.
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