
Busometr ZPP (Economic Barometer)an Index of Economic Mood in SME sector is an index illustrating the level of optimism in small and medium enterprises, and their plans for the coming 6 months.

Three components affect the index:

  • economic situation in small businesses,
  • labour market (remunerations and employment),
  • investments.

A value from 0-100 range is assigned to each component. If the barometer falls below 50, it means that the entrepreneurs’ mood is pessimistic. If it reaches over 50 – the mood is positive.

Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers in cooperation with Research House Maison conduct research among a representative group of small and medium enterprises (up to 250 employers). Busometr ZPP is published every half a year. We have been working on the Index since 2011.

Small and medium enterprises in Poland constitute 99,8% of all companies in the country, they create ¾ of work places and generate 67% of GDP.


Prognosis for the first half of 2024
Prognosis for the second half of 2023
Prognosis for the first half of 2023
Prognosis for the second half of 2022
Prognosis for the first half of 20022
Prognosis for the second half of 2021
Prognosis for the first half of 2021
Prognosis for the second half of 2020
Prognosis for the first half of 2020
Prognosis for the second half of 2019
Prognosis for the first half of 2019
Prognosis for the second half of 2018
Prognosis for the first half of 2018
Prognosis for te second half of 2017
Prognosis for the first half of 2017
Prognosis for the first half of 2016
Prognosis for the second half of 2016