
First edition of Ukrainian Tech Meeting Conference held in Google Campus Warsaw

Warsaw, 26.06.2024

First edition of Ukrainian Tech Meeting Conference held in Google Campus Warsaw


On June 18, 2024, the Ukrainian Tech Meeting conference took place at the Google for Startups Campus in Warsaw, a hub dedicated to fostering innovation and supporting startups. This event aimed to showcase the remarkable potential of the Ukrainian tech sector, which, despite the ongoing war since 2022, has not only survived but also thrived amidst the turmoil caused by Russian military aggression.

“Currently, we see that the global market is becoming more accessible… Before the full-scale Russian invasion, Ukrainian companies mainly focused on the local market. Now everyone understands that due to the current situation, we need to scale our operations more broadly,” stated Andrii Sukhov from Checkbox.

The conference provided a comprehensive overview of the Ukrainian tech sector’s evolution more than two years after the war’s outbreak. Experts shared their insights on crisis management, business relocation, and new export opportunities. Additionally, the potential for collaboration in the defense-tech sector was highlighted.

“The Totalizator Sportowy Foundation consistently implements actions for the Polish-Ukrainian community. The ongoing Ukrainian Tech Meeting event shows both us—Polish citizens, Polish entrepreneurs, and Ukrainian ones—that such initiatives are justified and underscore the importance of international cooperation,” emphasized Izabela Wyżga, President of the Foundation.

Attendees had the opportunity to listen to keynote speeches and panel discussions featuring industry experts, tech leaders, and government representatives. These sessions provided valuable perspectives on development and investment opportunities within the tech sector.

“Since the war escalated in February 2022, we launched the Google for Startups Ukraine Support Fund, which supported 50 startups with up to $100,000 in equity financing. We received nearly seven hundred applications. The great interest in the program led us to continue the Fund initiative and support Ukrainian startups further,” explained Michał Kramarz, Head of Google for Startups.

Among the distinguished experts participating in the conference were:

Alex Bornyakov, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Michał Kramarz, Head of Google for Startups, Central and Eastern Europe

Przemysław Kania, General Manager of Cisco Poland

Andriy Kolodyuk, Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (UVCA)

Denys Gurak, Co-Founder of MITS Capital

Oleh Piskozub, Country Director of Intellias Poland

Denys Sychkov, Director at Horizon Capital

During the event, it was noted that many Ukrainian IT companies have a long history of working with clients across the globe. The war introduced numerous challenges, such as the availability of infrastructure, a lack of new projects in Ukraine, and specialists being mobilized. Observing the 2022-2024 period, it is clear that these operational and communication challenges were successfully addressed by the majority of Ukrainian IT players.

However, the global market turbulence, cost savings, and changes in the structure of demand represent more complex issues and negatively impact revenue. Adaptability, innovation, and a creative approach to marketing and sales have started to play a key role in the ability of Ukrainian IT companies to expand their business. Unfortunately, not many companies were able to cope with these challenges properly, and future business prospects are not so bright at the moment.

One of the event’s outcomes is that partnering and cooperating for Polish and Ukrainian companies is important with for gaining further business growth.” – Oleksandr Pluzhnikov, Head of Cyber Security Office at ELEKS.

The conference was part of the Business for Ukraine Center project, a collaboration between the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers and the Totalizator Sportowy Foundation.

Event partners included: Polish-Ukrainian Startup Bridge, Ukraine Invest, IT Ukraine Association, and the Coalition for Polish Innovations.

Content partners: Google for Startups, FundingBox.

Media partners: BiznesAlert, CyberDefence24, Diia Business Warsaw.

The event was held under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Development and Technology and the Mayor of Warsaw.

More: 26.06.2024_Press_Release_UTM


The transportation crisis at the Ukrainian-Polish border is causing losses for for many entrepreneurs. Polish and Ukrainian employers are creating a dialogue platform to reach a compromise

Warsaw, December 7, 2023


The transportation crisis at the Ukrainian-Polish border is causing losses for for many entrepreneurs. Polish and Ukrainian employers are creating a dialogue platform to reach a compromise


The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) and the Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FRU) addressed this initiative to the Governments of the two countries and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

After the onset of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Poland not only became the main logistical hub for the distribution and sorting of aid to Ukraine but also ranked first among countries that received the most goods exported from Ukraine. In addition, after the decision of the European Union to grant Ukraine the possibility of free trade with EU countries, the total level of trade between Poland and Ukraine demonstrated new record indicators, which had a positive effect on the creation of new jobs and the expansion of production capacities in both countries.

Since November 6, 2023, there has been a protest by Polish carriers at several border crossings between Poland and Ukraine. This has significantly disrupted the transportation of goods in both directions. The protest is supported by all major transportation associations in Poland.

Joint statement of leading business associations

Every day that the border is blocked means new losses for business. The situation needs to be resolved as soon as possible, and for this it is necessary to use all possible tools.

Representatives of the largest associations of employers in Poland and Ukraine – the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) and the Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FRU) – form a negotiating platform aimed at accelerating and optimizing dialogue and developing mutually agreed solutions. These decisions will help the governments of both countries to reach a mutually beneficial compromise and unblock the checkpoints on the Polish-Ukrainian border.

“As representatives of employers’ associations, we are more than anyone else interested in finding a constructive and effective compromise that would allow us to resolve claims on both sides, unblock the border and existing logistics routes as soon as possible, restoring the normal level of trade between Poland and Ukraine” , – says the joint statement of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) and the Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FRU).

Next Friday, December 8, 2023, the first closed meeting of Polish and Ukrainian entrepreneurs will take place.

Director General of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FRU), Ruslan Illichev noted:

“Trade and production chains between Ukraine and EU countries suffer from the blocking of transportation, which causes losses to European companies, including Polish ones, which supply goods to Ukraine. We and our Polish colleagues are joining forces in order to prevent further escalation of the situation and to speed up the achievement of a compromise. Based on the results of our discussions, we will soon present a developed list of possible compromise solutions for unblocking the border. We hope for understanding and support for our initiative.”

Vice President of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP), Marcin Nowacki emphasizes:

“We must learn to conduct continuous dialogue on difficult issues. In Poland-Ukraine economic relations, this is the second industry that generates strong emotions and conflicts. Permanent formats of cooperation should allow us to react earlier to difficulties and resolve them based on respect for mutual interests. The first meeting is ahead of us, which I hope will be the beginning of a constructive dialogue.”

Digital Single Market barriers continue limiting the SME’s potential for growth – conclusions from the debate of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers

Brussel, December 05, 2023


Digital Single Market barriers continue limiting the SME’s potential for growth – conclusions from the debate of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers.


The advancement of digitisation has significantly benefited the European economy. Despite this, the Digital Single Market has yet to transition from an aspiration to a tangible reality. Over the forthcoming years, both European institutions and Member States must enhance their efforts to remove all regulatory barriers and establish a favourable digital environment for the growth of European SMEs – was the conclusion of the Working Lunch titled “Digital Single Market Future & Opportunities for SMEs”, that took place on December 5th in Brussels.

This year, we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the EU’s Single Market as a catalyst for growth, bolstering Europe’s economic and political influence on a global scale. While European member states’ political backgrounds may differ, we hold a unified vision for a Single Market that fosters increased business opportunities through trade, generating new jobs. The European Commission projected that eliminating barriers within the Single Market for goods and services could result in a potential gain of €713 billion by the end of 2029.

Technological advancements have created the need to broaden it and build the European Digital Single Market. The strategy officially outlined in May 2015 focuses on unlocking digital perspectives for individuals and businesses while strengthening Europe’s position as a global frontrunner in the digital economy.

Digital Single Market Future & Opportunities for SMEs

Now more than ever, digitalisation plays a crucial role in building Europe’s economic resilience. This is why The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP), in partnership with Member of the European Parliament Kosma Złotowski, brought together European institutions representatives and leading organisations to showcase and brainstorm on the Digital Single Market strategy and its role in developing the SME sector.

The discussion featured a group of speakers that included Dr Horst Heitz, Executive Director, SME Europe. Chair of the European Steering Board, SME Connect; Maria Grapini, Member of the European Parliament, S&D Group; Michał Kanownik, President, Digital Poland Association; Karol Kasiński, Public Policy Manager, Amazon; Vincenzo Renda, Associate Director for Digital Transformation Policy, Digital Europe and Filip Świderski ECR Advisor.

The discussion began with opening remarks from MEP Maria Grapini, who highlighted that the full potential of the Digital Single Market has yet to be delivered. She underlined that the Single Market is far from being completely in place in many areas, limiting its growth due to regulatory burden. 

MEP Kosma Złotowski highlighted in commentary to the report the crucial importance of small and medium-sized enterprises to the Polish economy. He focused on the main challenges the Digital Single Market imposes from the SME’s perspective.

“The SME sector in Poland has been struggling for years with excessive bureaucracy, overregulation, and restricted access to financing from EU funds. The crises that have hit Europe in recent years  and the unreasonable pace of the energy transition imposed by Brussels have burdened companies with additional costs.  In addition to the chaos it has caused in the economy, the pandemic  has become an accelerator of digital transformation and made businesses face the need to adapt to the demands of this revolution. It is this vulnerability to crises and the crucial importance  of small and medium-sized enterprises to the Polish economy that makes the SME sector require special treatment when creating new laws and regulations in all areas’’ commented ECR MEP Kosma Złotowski,  on the report “The Digital Single Market and its Future in the Context of Development Opportunities for the Polish SME Sector”

During the event Paulina Szkoła, Digital Forum Director presented the key findings from the report published by the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, “The Digital Single Market and its Future in the Context of Development Opportunities for the Polish SME Sector”. The report discusses the strategic, regulatory and economic scenario that the European Digital Single Market has been generating for small- and medium-sized companies and the barriers that hindered it from growth.

As the report states, the advancement of the Digital Single Market has driven favourable regulatory changes, stimulating cross-border business expansion and benefiting consumers. Though Polish SMEs are tapping into its potential, obstacles endure. Despite progress in unified trans-border e-commerce laws, companies face multiple challenges due to overregulation, inconsistent implementation of common regulations and impediments to exchanging services and goods. A unified, comprehensive strategy is essential to fortify the EU’s digital economy.

‘’The establishment of the Single Market is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding achievements of a united Europe, although it remains an unfinished project in practice. Technological advancements, new economic sectors, business models, and sales channels, such as the dynamically evolving e-commerce sector, introduce new barriers and associated regulatory challenges. These challenges are particularly burdensome for SMEs, which constitute 99% of all entrepreneurs in the EU, providing two out of every three jobs in the private sector while accounting for over half of the total value added’’ – commented on the report Mariusz Mielczarek, Regional Director CEE, Public Policy, Amazon.

The report also aims to inspire the Polish Government to push for an ambitious Digital Single Market agenda during its presidency in the Council of the European Union, which will be held in the first half of 2025. Michal Kanownik, President of the Digital Poland Association and Board Member of Digital Europe, shared his recommendations with the Polish representatives:

The actions of EU countries, including Poland, in developing the Digital Single Market should primarily support achieving goals set by the European Commission in the policy programme “Path to Digital Decade”, whose foundation is the digital transformation of businesses. According to the framework, by 2030, more than 90% of SMEs should reach at least a basic level of digital intensity, and 75% of EU companies are expected to use Cloud, AI, or Big data. While these are highly ambitious goals, they are achievable under one condition – EU-designed regulations should support the development of modern technologies rather than create unnecessary barriers. Over-regulating certain areas related to digitisation poses a risk of limiting innovation potential, making it challenging for Europe to compete in this field with the United States or China. It will be a significant challenge for the upcoming Polish presidency in the EU Council to maintain the right balance between regulating the digitalisation sector and addressing the needs of innovative businesses and citizens“.

The full report is available HERE

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