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On 12th March 2019, a petition was submitted to the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland regarding the abolition of the Act on trade restrictions on Sundays and certain holidays, and introducing changes to the Labour Code guaranteeing each employee two free Sundays a month. The petition was signed by Cezary Kaźmierczak, president of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, Jerzy Romański, president of the Polish Federation of Merchants and Producers Associations, as well as over five hundred owners of small family stores

Polish companies should give Russia a try

Polish companies should test their strength in Russia – the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers postulates in their report. The report published by the Union describes in detail the possibilities and conditions of doing business in the Russian Federation. In spite of the cold political relations, one should try to develop economic relations.

Growing number of Poles oppose to restricting trade on Sundays

The number of people negatively assessing solutions limiting trade on Sunday is gradually growing, while the percentage of respondents who are full supporters of the regulations is decreasing – these are the rudimentary conclusions from the research carried out by Maison&Partners on behalf of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers.

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers on the eurozone – there is no need to hurry

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers has published a report on Poland’s entry into the Euro zone – it analysed probable profits and losses related to the possibility of Poland joining the Monetary Union and replacing the zloty with the euro. As a result of this analysis, scepticism is recommended as to the plans for the rapid introduction of the single market currency.

Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers on Sunday trade in Europe: Polish regulations extremely restrictive

Free trade on Sunday rather than any restrictions is the standard in Europe, and Polish regulations in this area, in the target shape, are extremely restrictive – these are the most rudimentary conclusions from the report by the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers on trade on Sundays in Europe.

50 million inhabitants of Poland. Real actions, not just dreams

If Poland is to develop and build its position in Europe of a significant state, it must also be strong in the number of inhabitants. This is the main conclusion of the report of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers and the Warsaw Enterpise Institute. The authors wonder if in 30 years, Poland can be inhabited by up to 50 million people. About 11.5 million people more than today and more than 16 million more people than the demographic forecasts assume.

Decreasing support for trade ban

“The number of people supporting the Sunday trade ban fell in December by 3 percentage points compared to the results of the November survey and currently amounts to 28%. As many as 71% of Poles do not want politicians to tell them how to spend their weekends. The percentage of complete opponents of limiting trade on Sundays in the December wave is the same as in November – 39% of Poles do not accept this change in any form,” comments professor Dominika Maison. “Aggregated data from both waves show that the Act has more opponents among residents of small and largest cities.”
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