
Appeal by the Union to the Polish Government

Warsaw, 23rd March 2020

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers appeals to the Government
to take the threats facing Poland seriously

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers calls for a serious consideration of the threats the Poland is presently facing. This extraordinary situation requires the Government and Parliament to re-examine the solutions proposed in the project known as “The Anti-Crisis Shield”.

Only three months ago, Poland had the lowest unemployment since 1989, uninterrupted economic growth for three decades, and a rapidly growing productivity of Polish enterprises. Those times are behind us. We are entering a new reality and must not act in accordance with the ‘business as usual’ rule.

And not only here and now, but also in the days to come when we will have to start rebuilding the economy in difficult conditions and in a changed global economic environment. Wealthier and more developed countries such as the United States forecast an increase in unemployment up to 30%. For many developed countries, this may mean taking a step back by as many as 10 years. For Poland, a new-born amongst developed countries, this may translate into a return to the category from which it took the hard work of the last two generations of employees and employers to get us out.

The Government and the Sejm must understand that this time there will be no second chances. The seriousness of the situation is best reflected in the stabilisation programmes of other European countries and the United States, and we recommend the authors of the new act and all Polish MPs to familiarise themselves with them.

The Union finds a number of praiseworthy legal provisions in the Government’s proposals. Among them without a shade of doubts are the proposals on deregulation. Above all, these concern the reduction in the number of deadline or their postponement for meeting certain administrative or reporting obligations. Particularly noteworthy are the provisions regulating the disposal of medical waste, renewable energy regulations, the suspension of the obligation to perform periodic medical examinations of employees, postponement of the obligation to submit a new JPK_VAT file (Standard Audit File for Tax), suspension of court dates (part of the proposals presented by the Ministry of Justice) and certain proceedings. We also deem commendable the provisions extending the deadline for submitting applications for the right to stay for foreigners, as well as those extending the already issued residence cards. These issues are fundamental from the point of view of the labour market – the functioning of many industries is already largely based on economic migrants from abroad.

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers undertakes to monitor the effects of these facilitations in the coming months, convinced that many of them will deserve their permanent enforcement. In this context, we welcomed the proposal to “relax” the Sunday trade ban by temporarily enabling the unloading, receiving and displaying of essentials on that day. Similar solutions, though more precisely worded and in an earlier timeframe, were undertaken by most European countries, including Germany where most shops on Sundays had remained closed until now. At the same time, we urge you to take a bolder step and call off – at least temporarily – the ban at all.

A clear declaration of the government to waive social security contributions for entrepreneurs is one of the issues that in our opinion require immediate addressing. We understand that this is a difficult period, but the prolonged lack of unanimity regarding social security contributions results in increasing anxiety among entrepreneurs and a growing number of small and micro-companies can simply suspend their business operations, which will not only cause major current financial problems for the state, but might in the future impact a sensitive sector of the economy. Doubts arise as to the subjective scope of this waiver, because reports on this issue are contradictory. According to one version, this exemption would cover self-employed persons whose revenues fell, and all micro-enterprises employing at least one employee regardless of whether the pandemic had any impact on the generated revenues. According to the second version presented in the media, waiving of the contributions would apply only to those entities that could prove a decrease in revenues. We believe that only those solutions make sense in the current situation that are simple and as easy to implement as possible. Valuation and setting conditions of any kind condemn the whole idea of support to failure. Once again – the current situation is extraordinary. There is no place here for the traditional ‘rites and rituals’ of officials at the Social Insurance Institution (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych) who used to celebrate applications on a daily basis, analyse tax returns, put entrepreneurs at attention like during a drill in the army, without respect for their time and costs additionally incurred by accountants and tax advisors. The same issue concerns the assistance in financing employees’ remunerations, which assumes a three-tier structure for granting employee support. We understand the traditional fear of officials that someone will get too much. However, we wish to point out that in the current situation, if this people receive financial aid in June or September, there will be limited sense to maintain employment of tax officials.

With undisguised amusement we have read the proposals regarding loans to entrepreneurs. Loans in the amount of PLN 5,000. With all due respect for Polish clerks and officials’ salaries, these funds are in no way compatible with the purpose of the loan, determined in accordance with the regulations as “means to cover the current costs of business operations”. This discrepancy becomes even more pronounced should one take into account the fact that the loan is amortised (together with interest) if the micro-entrepreneur does not reduce the level of employment in comparison to the end of February 2020 for half a year after the loan is granted. This design indicates that the drafters who authored these provisions intend to reward micro-entrepreneurs who maintain employment level in spite of an economically more difficult period. PLN 5,000 will not encourage any entrepreneur to maintain employment in conditions of rapidly decreasing revenues. We are not even going to address the concept the higher amounts would be provided to entrepreneurs as loans provided that the Ministry of Development or the Industrial Development Agency (Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu) are to have 30 days for substantive and formal assessment of an enterprise’s application. Instead, we refer to the proposals and procedures prepared for by other governments for their entrepreneurs, concerned for the fate of their national economies.

Finally, we wish to draw your attention to the proposals submitted by the Social Insurance Institution that are ludicrous and proof of their authors’ detachment from reality. Apparently taking advantage of the chaos and desperation of many, the Social Insurance Institution decided to introduce an additional obligation to always inform the SII about the conclusion of any and all specific task contracts. This proposal is not only increasing the reporting obligations of entrepreneurs in these hard times, but is also a shocking testament of lack of empathy.

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers appreciates the fact that the project was created on short notice and often required night hours. Nevertheless, we would like once again to remind our authorities to take the situation in which our country and our economy have found themselves very seriously. We really are on the very same boat.

The Union’s appeal to the Government


Photo. Free-Photos /

Economy in the times of the plague

Warsaw, 12th March 2020

Economy in the times of the plague

The coronavirus pandemic will probably be the most important challenge for the world economy this year. Already at the turn of December 2019 and January 2020, when information about the outbreak of the epidemic in China began to reach the public opinion in the West, one could have suspected that this problem would quickly become a global issue. The intervention of the government of the People’s Republic of China, although probably a few weeks too late, was so drastic that only a careless observer could have disregarded it. Carelessness, however, came in abundance. During this early period, with the exception of the Taiwanese authorities, no government made any serious attempts to curb the spread of the virus to its territory. Planes flew just as before, people travelled according to their plans, and many commentators and politicians – also in Poland – downplayed the disease by calling it another flu. While European companies were beginning to report certain concerns regarding their deliveries from China being suspended, hardly anyone assumed that the epidemic would take place on such a significant scale in Europe or the United States. At the end of January, this picture began to slowly change with the rapid increase in the number of the infected, not only in the Middle Kingdom, but also in other Asian countries, combined with extreme inhibition of the region’s economy as a result of administrative restrictions trying to stop the epidemic. However, milk had already been spilt. A month later, the number of diagnosed carriers of the virus exceeded one hundred thousand worldwide and a more than a dozen thousand in Europe. At the same time, in some countries – primarily in Iran and Italy – new cases, including serious ones, became so frequent that the healthcare system ceased to handle them efficiently, which immediately translated into a dramatic increase in mortality rates compared to an already very high registered level in China. Other OECD countries have not experienced such a collapse yet at the time, but the number of diagnosed patients is increasing exponentially according to the same pattern as in Italy or – earlier – in China, doubling every 2 to 4 days. Poland is no exception here, although what plays to our advantage are our relatively more peripheral location and lesser integration with the world economy than the densely populated economic centre of Europe (the so-called Blue Banana) extending from northern Italy, through Switzerland, southern Germany and northern France, to the Benelux countries and England.

A relatively small number of infected people diagnosed in Poland (about 40 at the time of writing) should not reassure us. So far, it has been spreading rapidly in all affected countries and it takes about ten days to move from ten to a thousand identified patients. This means that the risk of repetition of the Italian scenario in Poland is very real, despite the fact that the Polish government and administration are trying to learn from the mistakes of other countries by responding relatively quickly, though not entirely consistently. So we do not know if the preventive measures we are taking since the beginning of March – cancelling mass events, quarantine for people who may have had contact with infected patients, measuring temperature at airports or closing universities and schools – will be sufficient. At the same time, despite the evident concern that is visible primarily in empty grocery stores and cancelled business meetings, we are still living quite normally: people meet in restaurants, go out to the park, shopping malls are full, and religious gatherings are held without obstacles. The question is whether this way we are not reminded of what we were doing in January and February when planes from China flew unhindered to Polish airports and back again, and thousands of us – not warned by the government and the media – went on holidays to Italy in spite of the fact that the number of new infections increased there at a staggering rate. Looking at the experiences of Asian countries such as China, Korea, Taiwan, on the one hand, and European: Italy, Germany, France, on the other, we can see that stopping the spread of the epidemic requires radical actions – the more so, the later and they are less consistently they are undertaken. Each day of delay intensifies the problem. It may therefore turn out that the drastic reduction of the mobility of people – not only those directly and indirectly exposed to the virus, but even all residents of the country – is the only way to fight the epidemic and to avoid a collapse in the Polish healthcare system or minimise the risk thereof, i.e. a situation in which overwhelmed doctors and nurses and an overloaded hospital infrastructure are not able to help not even all the infected people, but only those whose condition is critical. In view of the much worse initial state in comparison with not only to Germany or France, but also Italy, thus far the country most severely affected by the epidemic, it may turn out that such a radical intervention will not be avoided. The negligence of the distant and closer past is substantial and our carelessness – both social and political – during the virus spread is clearly evident. We have several dozen percent fewer doctors and nurses per 1,000 inhabitants than Lombardy, which is struggling with a humanitarian crisis. Life support equipment in Polish hospitals – albeit modern – is heavily burdened with regular patients. Drug reserves due to a production shutdown in China are very limited. And the number of tests to diagnose the virus we are carrying out is so small that the probable size of the epidemic is much larger than the Ministry of Health officially admits. So it may turn out that in the second half of March, we will experience the same shock that Italians are experiencing today, i.e. a mixture of direct and indirect effects of the epidemic. The severe cases of the disease too numerous for our healthcare to handle them and thus a significant increase in mortality, combined with strictly economic phenomena: supply chain breakdowns, shortages in stores, collapse in demand not only in selected industries, increasing payment and tax bottlenecks, and the beginning of avalanche of bankruptcies of smaller companies, might truly be a mixture conceived in hell.

The main question currently facing the Polish government is the following: in order to take the control of the epidemic, is it enough to undertake preventive action combined with an autonomous social response leading to a self-imposed decline in mobility around the country? It can be assumed that the answer is unfortunately negative and it will be necessary to introduce more radical measures, going far beyond the current status quo, although at the same time leading to a temporary restriction of certain civil liberties by administrative means. It is first and foremost about strict border controls with accurate registration (also electronically by means of mobile communications) of the place of origin and accommodation in Poland of individual persons, perhaps even in combination with the mandatory temporary quarantine under pain of severe financial or criminal sanctions. A similar quarantine would also encompass the identified outbreaks in the country, not limited as it is today to individual households, but rather covering whole houses, streets or even the recognised sources of infection, as it took place in China. The implementation of such drastic measures is not easy for any democratic government, which explains the slow reaction of Western states, including ours, but at the same time their lack makes the most negative epidemiological and economic scenarios more probable. Moreover, it is not an easy thing to execute in Poland, a country not only affected by the experiences of the 1980s, but also by the lack of lack of trust between the authorities and the opposition. Therefore, it would require urgent cross-party agreement, democratic control, and close cooperation between the central government and local authorities, and readiness to take actions that are negatively perceived by one’s own political supporters (closing of churches, restricting freedom of movement in cities, punishing people breaking the bans with high fines etc.). Is this possible in Poland? One can be doubtful.

Even if such a radical scenario proves to be unnecessary and we go through the epidemic with a limited number of infected patients and relatively mild preventive measures, it is basically impossible today that we will not be affected by a serious economic slowdown and consequently its effects: an increase in unemployment, a decrease in tax revenues, companies going bankrupt etc. The scale of the crisis is still unknown, but we have to take into account a slowdown at least on a scale comparable to that of 2011-2012, and perhaps even the first recession since 1990 which means a decline in GDP and a large increase in unemployment. An additional problem, absent during the previous recessions, of an extent that is hard to predict today is what will happen with our healthcare system and more broadly what will happen with key infrastructural services: water, energy and food supplies. Therefore, the government has to decide now not only how to limit the spread of the virus to levels that can be accommodated by Polish hospitals, but also how to ensure the functioning of the country at a basic level even if the health situation gets out of control. These questions also touch upon the issue of what economic price are we ready to pay for the potential reduction of the risk of a humanitarian collapse in the country and whether this price will not be even higher if such a collapse occurs. A related problem is the question of the instruments that public authorities will be able to use to at first ease the upcoming economic shock and secondly to facilitate a quick recovery when the epidemic is over. Finally, an important point is the question of the long-term effects of the epidemic as well as whether and how we will take care of potential deficits exposed by the virus in healthcare as well as in the entire economy.

It seems that in the first of those areas (ensuring the functioning of basic services during the crisis), the government is currently undertaking actions adequate to the scale of the problem, while also dealing with problems of a deeper, structural nature. Emergency management and procedures have been set up in the financial and energy sectors to enable them to work even in the event of an epidemic spreading to some key personnel. The state budget has reserves allowing it to handle payments for at least several months of crisis without significantly intervening on the market, even in the event of a drastic decrease in revenues. At the same time, the statements of doctors, nurses and public health experts reaching the public opinion indicate that the financial, infrastructural, material and human capital neglect accumulated over the years in our healthcare system will hit us with doubled force when the number of diagnosed cases reaches Western European levels. Attempts at accelerated purchases of medical equipment have not – as yet – brought adequate results.

At the same time, the government – the Ministry of Development to be more precise – undertook the first economic countermeasures, announcing help for industries affected by the crisis, primarily: tourism, mass events, and transport. The proposals presented by the government include, among others, reliefs and deferrals in the payment of direct taxes and social security contributions, facilitation of VAT settlements consisting in earlier enforcement of the new Standard Audit File by three months, earlier VAT refunds. The government also proposes to extend the liquidity support for companies forced to shut down by virtue of the instruments at disposal of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (loan subsidies, guarantees, increasing the guarantee in de minimis aid to 80% of the loan amount, subsidies to interest on loans by covering the disaster fund also in the event of an epidemic). These actions are undoubtedly justified, although the experiences from eight and ten years ago – when the PO-PSL (the Civic Platform and the Polish People’s Party) government introduced similar packages addressed to SMEs in response to the crisis in the Eurozone and the Great Recession in the global financial system – stress the importance which lies in the details of government support, and the significance of an information campaign among companies and the reality of implementation of assistance packages through public institutions: BGK, Social Insurance Institution or Tax Offices. A challenge currently underestimated by the government may be the loss of liquidity by enterprises, not only as a result of falling demand or production downtime caused by the coronavirus epidemic, but also terminations of loan agreements by concerned banks. Not restricting oneself to the tools directly accessible to the administration through Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego and establishing close cooperation with the entire banking sector may prove to be crucial in this respect. This requires commitment not only on the side of the Ministry of Development, but also the Minister of Finance and the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.

It may be necessary to supplement the government package with well-known solutions from, among others, Germany, including the possibility of a universal adoption of shortened working hours, that is a situation in which employees make use of service days (additional days off during downtimes) and the government subsidises companies with funds for wages and salaries by returning part or all social security contributions. This will create an opportunity to reduce the scale of layoffs in the economy and thus also curb unemployment. Companies should also become able to temporarily renegotiate contracts, for example, by reducing remuneration by 30-50% during the epidemic. This will result in an increase in the public finance sector deficit, which requires an urgent budget amendment taking into account the correction of the GDP growth this year, for instance to 0-1%, and the inclusion of a so-called “bad times clause” in the current expenditure rule. This would increase the deficit by 0.5-1% of the GDP. In case of a very bad turn of events, it will be necessary to announce the state of emergency and increase the deficit by several percent of the GDP, so as to finance the most urgent expenses and thus saving the liquidity of companies and limiting the increase in unemployment. In such a situation, however, the government should simultaneously reconsider certain ongoing commitments, for example, suspending the payment of 500+ childcare benefit for the period of the epidemic for some of its beneficiaries. If things take a very bad turn not only in Poland, but also around the world, it will be necessary to undertake more radical measures that go beyond deferring or suspending tax payments and financing public expenditure with a deficit in hopes of maintaining demand in the economy. Such a non-standard solution (implemented nonetheless in the US during the Great Recession) could be a significant subsidy to the Polish Development Fund (PFR) and greenlighting of share takeover in failing companies (for a pre-limited time).

The final group of challenges that the Polish authorities are facing in connection with the epidemic are long-term activities. Unfortunately, it may turn out that the financial outflow sparked by the coronavirus will demonstrate which segments of our state operate de facto without underwear (as the Polish saying goes), hiding this fact from the public opinion with a veil of prosperity. The Polish health policy is one of the most obvious suspects. One can, however, have almost equally justified doubts concerning the broadly understood public policy that places current transfers over expenditure strengthening the ability to act in crisis situations. The fact that we are carrying out so few tests for the coronavirus is indirectly a consequence of our underinvestment in science. Therefore, the conclusions from the epidemic should first of all be direct: resulting in a rapid and significant increase (approx. 2-3% of the GDP) in healthcare expenditure supplemented with activities leading to an even larger increase (approx. 30%) in the number of doctors and nurses working in the country and subsidising (with medical equipment and material reserves) of hospitals and other facilities that make the whole system operational. Secondly, there must also be indirect conclusions, thanks to which the state will become aware of its own insufficiencies that reduce its ability to act effectively in crisis situations. The strength of individual countries in the face of epidemics (but also other natural disasters, wars or economic crises) is differentiated by what they do in normal times. Do they invest in real capabilities in terms of innovation, organisation, equipment and infrastructure, or do they prefer to spend each zloty or dollar of revenue on current consumption for this or that social group.

It would be a mistake if we did not take advantage of this time of the plague for this kind of reflection on the state of our country, especially since the pandemic – just like any other crisis – will probably be connected with many new opportunities for development in the global system. Above all, those countries will benefit that correctly identified the changes it will have caused, and in particular the transformations that international value chains will undergo, both to the benefit and to the disadvantage of Poland. The countries that will have best survived the epidemic from the humanitarian and economic point of view will probably attract more attention from investors interested in a different distribution of their own business risks. Not without chance, however, will be the hard-hit countries, too, provided they learn from their own weaknesses and consequently will respond with decisive reforms. The worst thing when the epidemic is gone that could happen to us is passivity and a quick return to status quo ante. Will it be different this time?

Author: Maciej Bukowski, Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw


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European Enterprise Alliance welcomes a new member from Belarus

Warsaw, 17th March 2020

European Enterprise Alliance welcomes a new member from Belarus

During the first General Assembly of 2020 of the European Enterprise Alliance, the membership of a new organisation, the Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship of Belarus, was approved.

We are delighted to welcome our new member in the world of business and politics and we are looking forward to cooperating on enhancing the business environment for SMEs. The fact that the European Business Alliance joined the EEA is tribute to the appreciation we receive as a young, but highly active organisation within Europe, and not only within the EU,” – said Marcin Nowacki, President of the European Enterprise Alliance.

The Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship is one of the largest business associations in Belarus. It was founded in 2007 on the initiative of sectoral and regional business organisations. The Confederation unites leading regional and sectoral business associations and private enterprises. The RCE’s priorities are the development of small, medium and large-scale business, and the enhancement of the business environment in Belarus.

Further information:


European Enterprise Alliance is an independent organization of experts, entrepreneurs and pro-market intellectuals, convinced that the best way forward is to protect economic freedoms, and in particular to guarantee an equal playing field for small and medium-sized Enterprises.

Equal rights and a transparent business environment enable small and medium-sized enterprises to compete with global players, bringing continuity to the thoughts of the founding fathers of the EU, convinced that European integration can only be achieved by building a community of interests and increasing prosperity.


Phot. Chickenonline /

The cosmetics and detergent industry joins the Union

Warsaw, 6th March 2020

The cosmetics and detergent industry joins the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers

Another trade organisation has joined the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers: the Polish Association of Cosmetic and Detergent Industry. The Association was established in 1992 and brings together manufacturers, distributors, suppliers of raw materials, and other companies operating in the cosmetics and detergent industry.

The Polish Association of Cosmetic and Detergent Industry is the only organisation in Poland that makes use of the synergy of the cosmetics industry and cleaning products, including biostatic products. The Association’s members are small, medium and large enterprises from the cosmetics and detergent sectors. It follows legislative processes regulating the environment for companies from these sectors and their activities, and also participates in them, taking the floor both as an expert organisation and representing entrepreneurs.

Membership in the Association provides entrepreneurs with a tangible impact on the operating conditions of the cosmetics and cleaning products industries, both in Poland and the entire European Union.

The Polish Association of Cosmetic and Detergent Industry represents over 300 brands of cosmetics and detergents.

Further information:

Welcome to our midst!

European Enterprise Alliance welcomes a new member from Ukraine

Warsaw, 10th March 2020

European Enterprise Alliance welcomes a new member from Ukraine

During the first General Assembly of 2020 of the European Enterprise Alliance, the membership of a new organisation, the European Business Association of Ukraine, was approved.

We are delighted to welcome our new member in the world of business and politics and we are looking forward to cooperating on enhancing the business environment for SMEs. The fact that the European Business Alliance joined the EEA is tribute to the appreciation we receive as a young, but highly active organisation within Europe, and not only within the EU,” – said Marcin Nowacki, President of the European Enterprise Alliance.

Established in 1999, the European Business Association provides a platform to work together with international partners, Ukrainian state officials and institutions to create a stable and reliable business climate in the country, strive to achieve new ambitious goals to make the voice of modern business in the country stronger. This initiative was initially supported by the European Commission and has grown to become one of the largest and most influential business communities in the nation. Today, the Association unites more than 1100 businesses.

Further information:


European Enterprise Alliance is an independent organization of experts, entrepreneurs and pro-market intellectuals, convinced that the best way forward is to protect economic freedoms, and in particular to guarantee an equal playing field for small and medium-sized Enterprises.

Equal rights and a transparent business environment enable small and medium-sized enterprises to compete with global players, bringing continuity to the thoughts of the founding fathers of the EU, convinced that European integration can only be achieved by building a community of interests and increasing prosperity.


Photo. Kaufdex /

Appeal of 15 employers’ organisations to Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of Poland

Warsaw, 11th March 2020

Prime Minister,

Entrepreneurs are not giving in to panic, but they do observe with a high degree of anxiety how the situation related to the spread of the new coronavirus causing COVID-19 is developing. We fully understand the need to introduce certain exceptional solutions aimed at fighting the virus. Therefore, we would like to express our general support for the special act under works by the government.

We understand that the actions undertaken by the government, such as the closing of schools and universities or the ban on organising mass events, are aimed at fighting the virus. However, we must emphasise that they will cause complications and costs for many entrepreneurs who will have to bear the expenses associated with enabling employees to provide childcare or having to cancel scheduled events.

The negative impact of the coronavirus epidemic is already being felt on a global scale, primarily in the tourism industry, but it is likely that other sectors of the economy, such as the food catering industry, will also suffer. We will have to face the limited availability of staff resulting from the increasing number of people quarantined. Business processes are currently largely suspended due to the reduction in the number of trips and meetings, as well as due to preventive measures, such as ordering our employees to work remotely at home (home office mode).

Problems caused by the virus will encompass a wide range of industries – from food production and distribution, through pharmaceuticals, to the cosmetics industry and many others. Consequently, the epidemic becomes a problem not for individual sectors, but for the entire economy.

Considering the threats listed above, which will all have their specific impact on reducing the stability of supplies, as well as the entrepreneurs’ willingness, enforced by the circumstances, to submit to special rigors resulting from the growing extent of epidemic, we would like to appeal to the Prime Minister not to undertake in the nearest future and cease any and all legislative initiatives increasing the administrative obligations and public-legal burdens on companies. The ongoing legislative processes regarding legal acts introducing new bureaucratic or fiscal burdens (taxes, levies, fees, premiums etc.) should be suspended so as not to intensify the negative impact of the epidemic on the economy.

In order to avoid a deep recession (the record declines observed on stock exchanges around the world suggest the risk of it taking place), we should intervene by introducing an ambitious deregulation package. We postulate that a legislative review should be carried out whose aim should be to reduce existing burdens on businesses, including fiscal ones, so that the negative economic effects caused by the coronavirus can be offset.

Polish entrepreneurs have been expecting a certain slowdown for a long time, one that naturally results from the business cycle. However, the coronavirus epidemic may result not in a mild correction of the growth rate, but in its significant reduction whose impact will be felt by all participants of economy. It is already estimated that the GDP growth rate may fall by as much as 1.3 percent. Examples from other countries show that legislative interventions resulting from the state of emergency sparked by the epidemic can be very through, such as those introduced in Italy where mortgage repayment was suspended. We urge you to take advantage of this perilous situation for the Polish economy and introduce solutions that will not only alleviate the temporary problems of individual sectors and industries, but will remain useful in the long run.


The scanned version of the paper document is available here.

Busometr Index: Serious symptoms of an economic slowdown. Record low investment indicator

Warsaw, 20th January 2020


Serious symptoms of an economic slowdown. Record low investment indicator


The index measuring entrepreneurs’ mood “Busometr” for the second half of 2020 amounted to 44.5 points (a decrease from 48.8 points in the previous half year), which means that the mood of entrepreneurs continues to deteriorate. A decrease in mood among companies took place in all components measured (the economic situation, labour market, and investments). The level of investment sentiment reached the lowest level in the Index’s history. Despite the decrease, entrepreneurs show relative optimism regarding the situation on the labour market.

Over the last three half-year periods, the sentiment of entrepreneurs surveyed has been deteriorating. In the first half of 2020, micro-enterprises remain the most pessimistic (index amounted to 41.3). Moods improve as the size of the surveyed enterprise increases. Younger companies, operating on the market for no more than 5 years, also have a higher optimism index. Entities in central Poland show the worst moods. Companies in the northern part of the country look to the future most optimistically.

“After a record-breaking optimistic second half of 2018, we have seen a consistent decline in sentiment among entrepreneurs for three consecutive editions of the survey. These are undoubtedly symptoms of an economic slowdown in Poland. In the area of investment, we pay the price for the communication chaos generated by the government and hasty, enforced out of the blue regulations,” comments Cezary Kaźmierczak, president of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers.

The spirits are still highest in the manufacturing industry (index amounted to 49.3). The mood is worse in trade (45.4) and services (43.2). It should be pointed out that only a measurement exceeding 50 points indicates a positive trend in the evaluation of a given component.

Polish companies continue to positively assess the situation on the labour market. The value of the index in this component reached 55.8 points and only recorded a slight 1.3 points decrease compared to the previous half year. Interestingly, the percentage of both companies planning raises (29% compared to 25% in the previous half-year) and those that plan to reduce remuneration rose (6% compared to only 2% of companies in the second half of 2019).



Busometr ZPP – the Index of Economic Mood in SME Sector is an economic index showcasing the level of optimism in small and medium enterprises, and their plans for the next six months.

Three components affect the index: (1) the economic situation, (2) labour market (remunerations and employment) and (3) investments.

A value within the range of 0-100 is assigned to each component.

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers along with Maison&Partners conduct the research among a representative group of small and medium enterprises employing up to 250 people. Busometr ZPP is published every six months.

The survey is carried out since 2011.


14.01.2020 Busometr Index. Forecast for the 1st half of 2020


Fot. Mediamodifier/

Small stores decline trend must be stopped

Warsaw, 23rd January 2020


The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers:
One has to stop the trend of small stores in decline


Sales in small stores are consistently falling. As a result, their number decreases. Expert reports indicate that this negative phenomenon is exacerbated by the Act on Sunday trade restrictions. In spite of appeals from employers’ organizations, the legislature does not plan any attempts to liberalise the trade ban. We should undertake all actions that can stop the liquidation of small Polish stores – calls the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers. As one of the solutions, the Union offers large-scale implementation of technological innovations in small trade.

Trade in Poland increases annual. The driving force of this phenomenon is growing consumption, which is the main component in the growth structure of the Polish gross domestic product. Despite this favourable environment, small stores are further being closed down. There is a consistent decline in sales in the traditional segment (unorganised, individual stores located primarily in small towns and in rural areas) at the level of about 7.7% annually. Expert opinions point to the impact of the Act on Sunday trade restrictions as the driver deepening the negative trend of a decline in the role of traditional trade – notes the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers in a newly published report “Prospects for improving competitiveness on the retail market in Poland”.

“The law that was supposed to help small stores has the exact opposite effect. It is observed that 49% of small traders run two or more stores. Therefore, the regulations affect them directly,” says Piotr Palutkiewicz representing the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers. “The share of discount stores actively running marketing policies is changing the purchasing behaviour of the Polish people. Furthermore, large networks, taking advantage of economies of scale, have a strong negotiating position vis-à-vis producers and manufacturers and are able to quickly reach consumers with special offers. Big producers, in turn, do not spend time negotiating and executing bargains with small partners,” he adds.

The Union remarks in the report that the number of small grocery stores is steadily decreasing, while the so-called ‘small format’ has hitherto remained the main strength of the Polish FMCG market, which is a rarity on a European scale. As a consequence, the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers recommends taking measures to stop further closing down the small stores. To achieve this goal, the Union pointed to the significance of implementing technological innovations aimed at meeting consumers’ expectations.

“This negative trend must be stopped at all cost. Poles still want to do their shopping in local stores. If these shops want to survive, they must adopt the practices used, for instance, by convenience stores. In this respect, the M/Platform created by the Polish company Comp Centrum Innowacji seems to be an interesting initiative. Already 9,000 small stores belong to this network. The tool provided by the company enables organising and managing offers and competitive price competition. This is a great opportunity for small Polish trade,” claims Cezary Kaźmierczak, President of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers. The Union’s leader adds: “The use of technology must be combined with the modernisation of activities similar to convenience store practices. Thanks to these two elements put together, many small Polish stores might have the chance to survive and be profitable.”

The Union estimates that the use of the M/platform tool may contribute to a change in the structure and nature of Polish trade. The case study cited in the report shows that a small store, deciding to use the platform, receives a fiscal module combined with sales management software. Owing to this, the store has at its disposal software recording sales as well as data regarding, among others, historical sales, payment settlements, product indexation, or analytical reports that allow its users to track trends in customer purchases. As part of the application, they receive promotional offers directly from producers.

By using the tool, the customer receives a product at a lower price, a small store offers bargains previously unavailable, while maintaining a margin on the goods sold. The manufacturer or producer increase sales.

“It is a solution providing retail stores with access to promotions offered directly by FMCG manufacturers. As a consequence, small stores are able to compete in terms of price with large stores, discount stores, and large retail chains,” adds Piotr Palutkiewicz.

“We must put a stop to the trend of small stores closing down by all means necessary. If the Government does not want to help them by liberalising the Sunday trade ban act, shopkeepers have to take matters into their own hands again and implement all tools available to them that can be helpful in competing with large entities. At the same time, the Union will not give up on its activities aimed at amending to the trade ban act,” concludes Cezary Kaźmierczak.


23.01.2020 Report by the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers: Prospects for improving competitiveness on the retail market in Poland

Commentary by the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers regarding the notification obligation concerning the draft act on the amendment of certain acts in connection with promotion of healthy consumer choices

Warsaw, 22nd January 2020


Commentary by the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers regarding the notification
obligation concerning the draft act on the amendment of certain acts in connection with
promotion of healthy consumer choices


The draft act on the amendment of certain acts in connection with the promotion of healthy consumer choices appeared on the website of the Government Legislation Centre at the end of December 2019 and sparked an understandable stir in entrepreneurial circles. First of all, the draft assumes the introduction of a new tax (erroneously therein referred to as “the fee”) on the sale of drinks sweetened with sugar or other sweeteners – beginning in April 2020 – not from 2022 onwards as previously announced in the National Oncological Strategy. Haste in the manner how the draft act is being proceeded, apart from the fact that it is unacceptable from the point of view of the basic rules of honest public consultations, may have very serious consequences of a different nature. The Polish legislator completely fails to recognise the fact that the proposed legal provisions may constitute technical regulations subject to the obligation to notify the European Commission.

In accordance with Art. 1 section f subsection III of the Directive 2015/1535 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9th September 2015 establishing the procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical regulations and rules on information society services, the technical regulations de facto encompass technical specifications or other requirements or rules on services that are associated with fiscal or financial measures affecting the consumption of products or services by enforcing compliance with such technical specifications or other requirements or rules on services. Art. 5 of the Directive provides that member states shall immediately submit to the Commission all draft technical regulations, with the exception of those which fully transpose an international or European standard.

The proposed provisions contain specifications (sugar / sweeteners / active substances content) associated with fiscal measures (tax), which, according to legislators, are to have an impact on the consumption of products (sweetened drinks / beverages containing active substances). Therefore, these provisions meet all the prerequisites for being considered technical regulations subject to the notification obligation. This is further confirmed by the fact that the governments of Estonia or Ireland did notify the European Commission about similar regulations.

The Directive does not explicitly determine specific sanctions arising from violation of the obligation to notify on technical regulations. However, the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union states that failure to notify may result in ineffectiveness of regulations against natural persons. The practical consequences of such an outcome in the case of notification absence of the provisions introducing the “sugar tax” in Poland are difficult to predict.

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers emphasises its negative attitude towards the discussed regulation. However, apart from its substantive content, the unusually fast pace of the legislative process may impact negatively not only the quality of the regulations, but also the implementation of obligations incumbent on Poland as a member state of the European Union. We urge the legislator to consider and re-examine the project in terms of the necessity to inform the European Commission.


Fot. Saramukitza/

Check how much you earn and how much you get! Union’s newest tool launched

The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers launches its new tool for entrepreneurs with raising employees’ awareness in mind as to how much the state takes away from their remuneration. The Salary Calculator has been designed to show the difference between earned and received remuneration in an easy and transparent way.

The state takes a lot more money from us than we dare think. Most Poles working on a contract of employment do not realise how much their employment costs. The idea of the Union of Employers and Entrepreneurs is to show real amounts and costs incurred by both employee and their employers.

Using the Union’s Salary Calculator, you gain the following:

  • an easy to use salary cost calculator,
  • a transparent report for your employees,
  • a print- and send-ready document,
  • percentage and amount calculations regarding the salary of a specific employee.

Raise your employee’s awareness – make use of the Union’s Salary Calculator!


Fot. Shutterbug75/

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