
Call by employers’ organisations: Belarusians should be allowed to quickly legalise their stay and take up employment immediately after crossing the border


In connection with the unprecedented influx of war refugees to Poland, the government has prepared a special law providing for special conditions for Ukrainians to legalise their stay and take up employment. As a result, hundreds of thousands more people crossing the border can immediately seek employment fully legally, thereby gaining financial independence from state aid.

A significant number of people coming to Poland from Ukraine are women, while in the last few weeks, some of them have travelled in the opposite direction. Around 100,000 men have returned to their country to defend it against Russian aggression. As a result, due to the structure of employment (predominance of men) resulting from the nature of tasks performed by employees, some sectors of the Polish economy face a serious problem of lack of labour.

Given the above and considering the ongoing war, we have received signals about many Belarusians planning to flee the country for fear of further repression and mass conscription. Thus, we call on the government to introduce an amendment to the special law, allowing swift legalisation of residence and employment also for Belarusians according to the same rules as Ukrainians. In this way, we will succeed in responding to the Polish economy’s needs and striking against Lukashenko’s regime.

See the full call.

ZPP appeal to launch the EU fund to help refugees

Warsaw, 23 March 2022


ZPP appeal to launch the EU fund to help refugees


As a result of Russian aggression, part of the Ukrainian population has to flee outside the country to save itself. The natural first choice for many is Poland. Figures illustrate the scale of migration. According to data from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, more than 3.2 million people have left Ukraine since the beginning of the war.[1] In turn, the Polish Border Guard data indicate that 2.141 million refugees have crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border since 24 February 2022.[2] Taking into account migration data provided by the French (Interior Ministry), German (Federal Police) and British (Home Office) services, it is expected that most refugees will remain on the territory of Poland.

Faced with the influx of refugees, Poles have shown extraordinary hospitality and willingness to help. Many people have not only provided financial aid or organised collections of goods but have also made their own private homes available to refugees. However, even the most remarkable social stir will not be able to meet all the needs that arise.

Children and young people arriving from Ukraine must be able to continue their education, and all refugees must have access to health care. According to the adopted legal provisions, refugees can take up gainful employment as soon as they cross the border – this is the right direction. Still, even on commercial terms, housing availability may prove to be a problem.

All these challenges imply substantial budgetary expenditures. Currently, the financial cost of helping refugees is covered by Poland from its resources. However, considering the pan-European nature of this humanitarian crisis, it is reasonable to assign additional financing on the EU level. Therefore, the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers calls on the European institutions to provide adequate financial support to the countries hosting refugees from Ukraine.

It should be recalled here that the European Union has already allocated significant resources for migration management. The refugee aid instrument transferred to Turkey will amount to EUR 9 billion in 2016 – 2024.[3] [4] The current situation requires redirecting funds from the south of Europe to the countries neighbouring Ukraine following the scale of migration.

President of Poland Andrzej Duda, during his recent visit to Turkey, and his wife Agata Kornhauser-Duda, during her meeting with Joyce Msuya in New York, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, both called the international community to join the aid for Ukrainian refugees in Poland. We welcome the declarations of the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, and Commissioner Dubravka Šuica on further assistance for Poland. Still, assistance measures are needed immediately, and their implementation must follow political declarations. This is why we are calling for the funds necessary to help the refugees from Ukraine to be transferred to Poland without delay.







See more: 23.03.2022 ZPP appeal to launch the EU fund to help refugees

Joint Association letter on DMA

Warsaw, 22 March 2022 


Joint Association letter on DMA


We, undersigned organisations, would like to thank policymakers for the effort and work that has been put into Digital Markets Act negotiations so far. We are appreciative of the proposals aimed at making the DMA workable and avoiding the unintended consequences of the DMA for SMEs. Nevertheless, with the negotiations nearing the end, we believe it is important to fine-tune provisions aimed at targeted advertising to avoid negative impacts for European businesses.

We support all initiatives aimed at improving the position of European businesses and users. That is why we are in favour of proposals to increase the transparency of targeted advertising. At the same time, we recognize the value that targeted advertising brings to SMEs and NGO, which, in contrast to large players, do not have multi-million marketing budgets, as well as the value that targeted advertising brings to users, who can access ad-supported online services for free. This value has been confirmed by various studies, including a survey by Ipsos showing that 69 per cent of surveyed users prefer to see ads over paying for content online, and a further 68 per cent agree that targeted advertising is beneficial for small businesses.

Hence, in our view, the implementation of the obligations by the gatekeepers should not affect the quality, functionality and integrity of the services that small businesses currently benefit from. It is, therefore, crucial to ensure that DMA avoids unnecessary restrictions that would undermine the value of targeted advertising for European businesses.

Unfortunately, the European Parliament’s proposals do not seem to go in that direction. The EP has proposed to introduce an opt-in based on GDPR consent for both the combination and the “cross-use” of personal data for targeted advertising. This goes beyond what was proposed by the European Commission in the original version of Article 5(a), which required users’ consent for the combination of personal data only. The extension to the “cross-use” of such data is disproportionate and will seriously decrease the functionality of targeted advertising, thereby harming the needs of the many entrepreneurs for whom targeted advertising is the most cost-effective way to acquire customers. The introduction of an opt-in for targeted advertising is also a departure from established practice under GDPR. This change has been criticized by data protection experts, including the Centre for Information Policy Leadership, which has “strongly recommended” to align the DMA with the GDPR due to the fear of creating conflicting regulations. Ultimately, an opt-in does not respond to more substantive concerns regarding the transparency of targeted advertising, which are better addressed through other means.

To conclude, while we support the objectives of the DMA, we believe that DMA does not strike the right balance between value creation and the protection of users. Since European SMEs often cannot afford advertising in mass media, an opt-in for targeted advertising will inevitably weaken their position vis-à-vis large companies, making the DMA miss its point.


See the whole letter.

ZPP appeal in support of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union

Warsaw, 2 March 2022

ZPP appeal in support of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union

Ukraine has been barbarously invaded by the Russian Federation. The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) strongly condemns this unjustified aggression and supports Ukraine in maintaining its full sovereignty and self-determination of its statehood.

On the 28th of February 2022, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski signed Ukraine’s application for membership in the European Union. Simultaneously, he asked the Member States leaders for the immediate accession of Ukraine under a special procedure. Ukraine’s representative to the European Union has already forwarded the application to the French Presidency of the European Council representative, Philippe Léglise-Costa. This means that the application has been officially notified, and the procedure has begun.

We believe that Ukraine’s efforts should be strongly supported, and its place in the democratic European family should be recognised. For this reason, we call on the European institutions and the Member States to take immediate action and start the fast track to European Union membership for Ukraine. In our opinion, Ukraine’s candidate status must be announced immediately to begin accession talks. Furthermore, we believe that Ukraine should be given access to EU funds to enable its rebuild and increase cohesion with the other Member States.

Ukraine’s intention of accession to the European Union has already been supported by many Member States leaders, including the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, and the Presidents of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Bulgaria. Ukraine’s accession to the European Union is also supported by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who drew attention to the progressive convergence of the Ukrainian market with the EU single market.

The European Parliament accepted Ukraine’s application for membership in the European Union for consideration. In addition, the Parliament voted on 1 March 2022 a resolution calling on the European institutions to take steps to grant Ukraine the status of candidate country for EU membership under Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union. MEPs condemned the invasion of Ukraine called for stricter sanctions against Russia and an immediate end to military action. In addition, they called on the Commission and the Member States to continue providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine and to extend sanctions to Belarus due to its support in the Russian aggression. ZPP supports the resolution adopted by the European Parliament and expects the rapid action of the EU institutions.

Ukrainian gross domestic product has been progressing in recent years. However, it has not yet restored the level it had before the financial crisis of 2007 – 2009, nor to the level before Russia’s aggression on Donbas territory in 2014.[1] Although Ukraine’s economy has great potential, it cannot fully unleash it due to the geopolitical situation and its economic and energy dependence on Russia. Ukraine has done much in recent years to reform its economy and law. Poland’s economic ties with Ukraine are becoming stronger. This is evidenced by data from the State Tax Service of Ukraine, which reported that Poland became the primary export market for Ukraine in 2019. Poland thus overtook the previous leader, Russia.[2] This shows Ukraine’s gradual process of moving away from trade with Russia towards increasing exchange with the EU market.

Another important reason for recognising Ukraine’s membership in the European Union is its political transformation. Ukraine has undergone a thorough political transformation as a result of the Orange Revolution and the Euromaidan protests. Thanks to these grassroots social movements, the Ukrainian authorities are democratically elected and have the legitimacy of the people to hold power.

Ukraine’s membership in EU structures is a strategic goal for the Union. It will strengthen the EU single market and expand the Union’s values. The EU enriched with Ukrainian membership will become economically stronger and consolidate its position as a democratic bloc in Europe. For Ukraine, this means reducing the possibilities of Russian interference in its politics. The accession of Ukraine will benefit both the European Union and Ukraine. Although there are still many reforms to be carried out by Ukraine, this process is already underway, and accession will help to speed it up.

Considering the above, we, the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, appeal to the EU member states and European institutions to launch a special accession procedure and immediately start the accession negotiations to welcome Ukraine into the European Union.





See more: 02.03.2022 ZPP appeal in support of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union

ZPP appeals for Russian and Belarussian products to be withdrawn from sale

ZPP appeals for Russian and Belarussian products to be withdrawn from sale


Renata Juszkiewicz
President of the Management Board 
Polish Organization of Commerce and Distribution (POHID)


Dear Renata,

Please distribute this Appeal among the members of POHID.



Dear Sir/Madam,

I heartily appeal upon you to withdraw Russian and Belarussian products from sale.

Both these countries – alas, supported by substantial citizens populations – murder people. They are ruled by war criminals.

Not a single zloty spent by the Polish consumer should go to such criminal regimes.

Please consider my appeal. I strongly believe in your business and wish you every success.


Cezary Kaźmierczak
President of the ZPP

Marcin Nowacki, vice president of the ZPP, holder of the Economic Freedom Award of the Heritage Foundation

Warsaw, 15 February 2022 


Marcin Nowacki, vice president of the ZPP, holder of the Economic Freedom Award of the Heritage Foundation


Heritage Foundation, one of the most influential conservative think tanks in the world, has announced Marcin Nowacki, vice president of the ZPP, as the recipient of its annual Economic Freedom Award. The Foundation thus recognised his lifelong work advancing the principles of free market, economic freedom and fair competition in Poland and the European Union.

The Heritage Foundation, established in Washington in 1973, is involved in promoting conservative political thought, economic freedom and educating leaders. For 25 years now the Foundation has been publishing a high profile annual Index of Economic Freedom which presents the status of bureaucracy in the economies of individual countries.

Find out more

#BusinessForUkraine – we call to join the action

#BusinessForUkraine – we call to join the action


Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we launched a fundraising campaign to provide Ukrainian NGOs with funds to defend Ukraine and its citizens.

The ZPP Foundation, operated by the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, decided to allocate PLN 100,000 from its budget for this purpose. The money has already been transferred to Kyiv.

We encourage representatives of our member companies to show solidarity with the Ukrainian people and join our fundraising campaign.

Donations can be made to the following account:

IBAN: PL 34 1020 4900 0000 8202 3405 8713


Please write “Darowizna na cele statutowe / Donation for statutory purposes” in the transfer title field. Our Foundation supports, amongst others, economic education and social programmes. However, the funds deposited to the above-mentioned account will be entirely transferred to Ukraine. The Foundation will fully cover any administrative costs.

Appeal of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers to impose hard and deep sanctions on Russia

Warsaw, 24 February 2022


Appeal of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers to impose hard and deep sanctions on Russia 


The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) condemn the unauthorized and outrageous act of Russian aggression against Ukraine. Military interference in the territorial integrity of another state and the pursuit of a policy of conquest are behaviors that go beyond the framework of the modern international order and deserve strong condemnation. The Russian state has excluded itself from the international community, and the Putin regime’s actions require a strong and bold response from the Western world.

Bearing in mind the above, we call for all necessary steps to be taken to ensure that Russia’s aggression is met with a proper and adequate response, and above all – with the most severe and deep economic sanctions.

ZPP believes that all options that are on the table and at the disposal of international institutions should be used – including the exclusion of Russia from the international financial system and the maximum possible restriction on trade, as well as the extensive use of personal sanctions, such as freezing assets or entry bans. Investments made in cooperation with the Russian energy industry, including Nord Stream 2 in particular, should also be absolutely halted.

We cannot be afraid of applying the most severe sanctions at our disposal. The Russian economy is one-third smaller than that of Italy itself – a country more than twice less populous. The GDP of the European Union is fifteen times the GDP of Russia. Russia’s GDP per capita, taking into account the purchasing power parity, is lower than that of Poland, Romania or the Czech Republic. Russia is economically much weaker and poorer than we are. European companies and consumers will therefore do without Russian money.

We count on decisive and bold actions from Poland and international institutions. Putin’s banditry must be stopped by all means possible. At the same time, we express our deep solidarity with the Ukrainian people.


See more: Appeal of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers to impose hard and deep sanctions on Russia

ZPP’s contribution to consultations on Artificial Intelligence Act launched by MEP Axel Voss

February 18 2022


ZPP’s contribution to consultations on Artificial Intelligence Act launched by MEP Axel Voss


The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers welcomes the consultations on the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) organized by MEP Axel Voss. Below we present the most pertinent issues which, in our opinion, are key to unlocking the potential of the European digital economy in the years to come.

  1. What is the best definition of AI?

In our view, the definition currently proposed under the AIA is too broad. If enacted, AIA would cover a range of solutions that from the perspective of industrial and commercial practice do not constitute Artificial Intelligence (AI). For instance, the Annex I point (a) lists machine learning methods, while Annex I point (c) includes statistical approaches, Bayesian estimation, as well as search and optimization methods. If enacted in this wording, AIA would classify virtually any algorithm, optimization method or statistical calculation as AI. Therefore, in the view of ZPP, it is of paramount importance to omit Annex I point (c) from the final version of the regulation.

  1. What encompasses high-risk?

ZPP has participated in the consultation process of AIA since the begging and has consequently advocated for the adoption of risk-based approach. We welcome the Commission’s proposal to the imposition of mandatory requirements. In our view by adopting a proportional, risk-based approach the Commission found a good balance between maintaining scope for innovation and protecting citizens.

At the same time, we believe that the provisions of AIA need more clarification. Areas that need more fine-tuning include the differentiation of responsibilities between AI actors in the value chain and specific requirements for high-risk uses of AI.

  1. How to combine it with ethical standards?

In our opinion, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, as well as aquis communaitaire, constitute primary sources of ethical standards in the EU and are as such recognized as binding. Therefore, any limitation to the use of AI should be based on a potential infringement of rules, which form community law already today. Widening this group of sources would create risks to the coherence of the EU legal framework, and risk decreasing legal certainty.

  1. How can we make sure the AI governance approach works?

We have formulated a number of specific recommendations with a view to implementation and enforcement of AIA.

First, AIA should clarify the balance of responsibilities between AI providers, deployers and users. Particular attention should be paid to the question of responsibilities of AI users as deployers, and the responsibilities of providers to their customers. Currently, AIA does not provide a definition of a deployer. In our view, inclusion of a definition as an entity making the AI available to users in a specific situation would increase coherence and clarity of the overall regulatory framework.

Second, the success of AIA depends on whether the requirements are reasonable and feasible. In order to achieve that, language around certain provisions needs to be revised in order not to set an impossible standard. For instance, the requirements imposed for high-risk AI are in principle proportionate. Nevertheless, the language of the provisions should be revised to make sure that the provisions can be applied in practice. An example of an obligation, which is impossible to implement in practice, is Art. 10(3) stating that “Training, validation and testing data sets shall be relevant, representative, free of errors and complete.” While the goal is right, it is impossible to guarantee this in practice. Moreover, certain techniques aiming at improving users’ privacy deliberately introduce error (noise) to datasets.

In a similar vein, AIA should avoid introducing disproportionate requirements. One such example include Art. 64(a), which states that “…upon a reasoned request, the market surveillance authorities shall be granted access to the source code of the AI system.” On the one hand, this provision is contrary the EU Trade Secrets Directive. On the other hand, there are less intrusive yet effective means to verify performance of an AI system. Therefore, in our opinion it would be beneficial to change this provision in order to obligate AI providers and deployers to effectively support market surveillance authorities to carry our robust testing (input/output audition).


See more: ZPP’s contribution to consultations on Artificial Intelligence Act

Press Release – The Associated Trio: Enhancing Cooperation for Peace, Democracy and Prosperity

Brussels, 9 February 2022 


The Future of Europe doesn’t only mean the EU“, said MEP Ivan Stefanec during his opening of a debate on The Associated Trio: Enhancing Cooperation for Peace, Democracy and Prosperity that he hosted.

On the 9th of February, the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, together with the European Enterprise Alliance, the SME Connect and SME Europe, co-organised a debate bringing together the perspectives from Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia to discuss how Brussels could build practically on the success of the Association Agreements signed in 2016 and 2017. 

While this step undoubtedly encouraged the Trio nations to draw closer to the bloc, the European Union cannot rest on this accomplishment alone. Rather, speakers emphasised that both sides have to take concrete steps to advance this relationship and ultimately conclude the accession of the trio countries to the European Union. They focused on formally recognising the Associated Trio as a distinct grouping within the Eastern Partnership (EaP) and reconsidering proposals to pursue integration on a sector by sector basis with enhanced economic integration. In their views, it would demonstrate the commitment of the European Union and lead to a watershed moment to push for a more visionary policy on the European continent.

In December 2019, Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova – the three EaP countries with an Association Agreement with the EU – signed a joint statement submitted to EU High Representative. In the statement, they advocated a new EU+3 format enabling sectoral integration in transport, energy and other fields, as well as full access to the four freedoms of the EU – free movement of goods, services, capital and persons to help them progress faster on their path to European integration. 

During his intervention, Deputy Economic Minister of Ukraine, Mr Taras Kachka, outlined that his country ambitions are focused on daily economic integration. More business to business dialogue is needed to overcome the prejudice about the competitive advantage and picture Ukraine as a strategic partner and not a competitor.

Mr Vladimir Cuc, a State Secretary of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Moldova, followed this statement and added that he welcomed the Associated Trio’s shared ambitions while advocating for its expansion through informal ministerial meetings. 

Ms Mariam Gabunia, Head of Foreign Trade Policy from Georgia, highlighted that “despite challenges, we continue to implement complex reforms to transform our legal and institutional system”. She said that Georgia has achieved 40% of its commitments and strive to reach 65% before applying for the European Union membership in 2024. 

Member of the European Parliament, Luliu Winkler, said that “we need to go beyond economic cooperation and have a social impact, changing people and communities’ lives for the better” through dialogue and diplomacy. 

Whereas, a Member of the European Parliament and a Vice-Chair of the European Parliament’s Defense Committee, Lukas Mandl, stressed that we should focus on the areas of cooperation when we can deepen our engagement: Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) projects, and peace and capability building. 

Damir Filipovic, Secretary-General of the European Enterprise Alliance, reminded that the EU has a good recipe for relations with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. But it also needs to adapt for the future and focus on a deeper inclusion of political, societal and security dimensions. Moreover, it has to look in more pragmatic ways and consider the sectoral approach or present a more flexible approach depending on the particular needs of the partner. 

Agata Boutanos outlined that from business perspective it is crucial to strengthen the already developed association by further support for EU standards implementation.

See more: Online Debate – The Associated Trio: Enhancing Cooperation for Peace, Democracy and Prosperity

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