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    Position on revision of the EU’s electricity market design

    Our member, the European Enterprise Alliance, has presented its position on the REVISION OF THE EU’S ELECTRICITY MARKET DESIGN. The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the revision of the EU’s electricity market design, with the goal of making it easier to use more renewable energy sources, encouraging competition, and guaranteeing long-term availability of energy while protecting consumers from price volatility. To read the full document: 


    Związek Przedsiębiorców i Pracodawców
    Przedstawicielstwo ZPP w Unii Europejskiej
    Rue d’Arlon 46, 1000, Brussels

    Dyrektor Przedstawicielstwa ZPP w UE
    Agata Boutanos
    Email: a.boutanos@zpp.net.pl
    Tel:  + 32 476 590 602

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